How to Choose a Suitable Big Data Course

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Even though the global economy is inching closer to a major slump the data analytics sector continues to flourish as more and more enterprises find data analytics to be their only hope in terms of staying afloat in the market. The customers and their needs have changed drastically throughout the course of this year.

Now, more than ever companies need to re-strategise their courses of action to cater to the evolved consumer base or even to find a new consumer base. Their futures ride on the decisions they make now, so quite naturally they want those decisions to be well informed, progressive, with as little risk as possible. Organisations want analytics support and aspirants want to be in the game. Therefore we are seeing a lot of traffic on the online analytics training platforms. This is probably the best time to get a big data certification in Malaysia. And you will have to act fast and act smart. The following tips will help you navigate through the whole process of choosing the right course for yourself.

Deciding upon the starting point

While you cannot hop and skip through to a higher level you should also not start from beneath yourself. You cannot compromise with the foundation of your skills and if you start too far behind, you risk running out of steam. Look at your skill set from a very objective point of view. Decide what you need to learn and what you do not. And you will have the first parameters to narrow down on a certain course.

The curriculum and the institute

The institute, its reputation, and recognition are of paramount importance. However, the curriculum should always rank higher on your list of priorities. A system of education that packs enough scope for hands on training along with conceptual education is the one you should look for. Taking up an obsolete course at a very good institute is little likely to take you anywhere.

The tools

Analytics tools lose currency as fast as they gain it. Your aim should be to learn a couple of tools that have really stood the test of time. Python, for instance, is enjoying consistent demand. While you learn a few tools you should always be prepared to adapt and learn new tools that rise above the horizon. Even if it stays in the current for a short while, it can certify your abilities as a quick and proactive learner.

The faculty

Remember how you had discussions with seniors and batchmates before attending a new school or some coaching institute. You need to do the same to find out more about the members of faculty of a certain institute. The infographics, video content, and curated reading material are all fine but remember you are investing the money and time so that you can learn from those who have done it before and done it well. Take a day or two before you enrol to run these checks. Look beyond the glittery ads, look deeper to understand what you are really getting out of it. And you are good to go.

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