Your overall health and seeds benefits to stay healthy


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Your overall health and seeds benefits to stay healthy

Seeds contain all the essential material required to build a complex plant, hence they are super healthy and nutritious. Seeds are a great source of fiber. They contain all the good minerals and vitamins we need for good health. They contain monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other essential vitamins and minerals; if we consume them on a daily basis they can reduce risk of diabetes, heart problems, cholesterol and cancer because they also contain antioxidants.

We can add seeds in our various dishes to get essential vitamins and minerals. Want a slimmer waist/need more energy?Ā  Add seeds and grains to your daily routine and get amazing results.Ā  Food processing industry has made it easy for us to get all types of seeds for time saving instant cooking. You can also visit the beta glucan food source.

Benefits of seeds

  • Seeds help in improving digestion
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Binds free radicals and prevent cancers
  • Energy dense
  • Provide plant based protein
  • Prevent diabetes and cholesterol

There are various seeds and grains we can add in our diet such as;

1.  Chia seeds

Good source of essential nutrients. They are similar to flax seeds because they have a good amount of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and other vital nutrients. Eating chia seeds increase ALA in blood which is an important Omega-3 fatty acid and prevents inflammation.  Chia seeds also help lowering blood glucose level both in whole and ground state by taking immediately after meal.  By giving the feeling of fullness it helps in reducing weight by reducing appetite. For buying good quality African chia or quinoa seeds online you can contact bulk suppliers.

2.  Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain good quality vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, and protein. They help in lowering blood cholesterol, blood glucose level, and inflammation.

3.   Oats

Oats are the most popular grain for breakfast and they usually take a long time to cook so people usually prefer rolled processed oats. Oats are highly nutritious and packed with antioxidants and fiber. They are gluten free and people with gluten intolerance can consume them without any worry. They also make us feel full and help in reducing weight. They also lower blood glucose level and risk of heart diseases. They contain magnesium, manganese, iron, folate, zinc, vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and smaller amounts of other nutrients are also available.

Oats contain a large amount of Beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber. Beta-glucan dissolves in water and forms a thick gel like solution in the gut.

Benefits of beta-glucan;

  • Helps in lowering blood cholesterol
  • Reduce blood glucose level
  • Provides the feeling of fullness
  • Increase the growth of good bacteria in the gut
  • Decrease risk of heart diseases by lowering the level of LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins)

4.   Quinoa

They are a good source of protein along with vitamin E and amino acids. They can be substituted in rice and pasta dishes due to their nutty flavor. They can be eaten in breakfast instead of oats. They also contain quercetin which is an antioxidant and prevents cancers and other heart diseases.   

5.   Sesame seeds

Like other seeds they also have a good amount of vital vitamins and minerals. They contain a good amount of fiber, omega-6 fatty acids, protein, magnesium, manganese, copper, and monounsaturated fatty acids. Sesamin from sesame seeds may convert into lignin called enterolactone by our gut bacteria. Enterolactone acts like a sex hormone called estrogen, its deficiency can cause breast cancer and heart diseases. 50 grams of ground sesame seeds powder for 5 weeks can improve the level of estrogen in our female body.

7.  Flax

Flax seeds are also called linseeds and are the first super food to be cultivated in the world. They have been used in making seasonings, textile linen, and flax oil. They contain omega -3 fatty acids more than any other seed in the world and also contain fiber, protein, linoleic acid, thiamin, vitamin B6, manganese, and magnesium. These nutrients altogether fight against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, and other allergies.

8.   Pumpkin seeds

Most commonly consumed seed and contain various essential nutrients for our body. They contain phosphorus, omega-6 fats, magnesium, manganese etc. Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols which helps in lowering blood cholesterol level. Their consumption can lower the risk of breast cancer. They are also beneficial in lowering the risk of bladder stone formation by reducing calcium in urine.  They also reduce the symptoms of overactive bladder and improve the quality of life in men with enlarged prostate.

9.    Hemp seeds

Organic seed farming is increasing day by day and providing us with healthy and beneficial seeds. Hemp seeds are a very good source of plant protein and can provide up to 30% of protein and other viral nutrients. They are very good for vegans because they contain the best quality of plant based protein than any other seed or grain. They also provide all the essential amino acids our body cannot make. By taking hemp seed in our diet we can increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids and also other inflammation reducing nutrients. For the patients facing eczema issues, hemp oil supplements are beneficial and can reduce dryness and itchiness.

10.   Grapes seeds

Grapes seeds contain ample amounts of Vitamin E, linoleic acid, flavonoids, and polyphenylenes. They can prevent heart diseases; by reducing the oxidation of fats and phenols in the nuclei, we can reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing accumulation of platelets and reducing inflammation.

11.   Pomegranate seeds

They are also called ā€œarilsā€. They contain a lot of fiber and 40% vitamin C of our daily requirement.  They also contain antioxidants called polyphenols including flavonoids, anthocyanin, and tannins.

12.   Apricot kernels

Like all other seeds and nuts, apricot kernel also contains essential nutrients. They contain amygdalin which is also called vitamin B17; it attacks the cancer causing cells and prevents cancer. Amygdalin is also present in bitter almond, amygdalin is bitter in taste, so sweet almond and apricot kernel which is not bitter in taste will not contain amygdalin. 

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