Writing an Argument Essay About Same-Sex Marriages

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If you are asked to write an argument essay about gay marriage, there are many factors that you will need to consider. Viewing this topic, you should first understand same-sex marriage and why it is not allowed. Next, it would be best to consider how legalizing same-sex marriage will affect constitutional rights and societal order to write my essay. Finally, there are also a lot of statistics and facts on this topic that you can use to support your position.

Arguments for same-sex marriage

Proponents of same-sex marriage say that gay people want to marry for the same reasons as straight people: to form a stable relationship, start a family, and build a future together. However, it is essential to consider the effects of gay marriage on society, especially on children. To be persuasive, advocates of same-sex marriage must make a compelling case.

One of the most common arguments against same-sex marriage is that the state should protect itself from such relationships. This argument is based on the Tenth Amendment and federalism principles. Unfortunately, while the Supreme Court has upheld the validity of the law based on federalism, it has been difficult for the Court to determine the value of protecting the rights of same-sex couples.

Impact of legalizing same-sex marriage on societal order

Human Rights Watch published a report on the impact of legalizing gay marriages in Nigeria on societal order in June 2016. The authors of this report, Wendy Isaack and Jane Buchanan, conducted research in Nigeria between October and November 2015 and telephone interviews with Nigerian LGBT organizations in March and April 2016. In addition, the authors conducted a series of interviews and other research to assess the impact of SSMPA on LGBT people and society in Nigeria.

While the impact of legalizing gay marriages on society is not immediately apparent, the evidence suggests that it would improve the lives of many gay couples. Studies show that marriage promotes domesticity and a sense of community. It also provides a safe harbour for sex and helps stabilize communities. Moreover, it creates kin networks. Therefore, keeping gay people from marriage is inhumane and would ultimately damage society.

Impact of legalizing same-sex marriage on constitutional rights

Several landmark court cases have addressed the impact of legalizing gay marriage on constitutional rights. Most notably, the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case Obergefell v. Hodges that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional and in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. Those rulings have impacted the legality of same-sex marriage throughout the U.S., including Hawaii.

While the Court ruled in favour of legalizing gay marriage, some legal experts say the ruling could threaten other rights of essay writing service. For instance, the order could affect same-sex marriage and contraception rights of gay Americans.

Importance of marriage in society

Marriage has been a cornerstone of society for centuries, giving couples life together and establishing a common ground. It has also served as a symbol of adulthood and maturity. In the past, women were primarily responsible for the household and provided income for their families, but today, they are increasingly independent and engaged outside the home. Thus, the importance of marriage has grown from a simple commitment between two people to a social institution that aims to benefit the community as a whole.

Today, most people marry because of love. In the past, early marriages were usually arranged to protect the family and wealth. However, most people choose a wedding because they love someone and want to have a family together.

Impact of legalizing same-sex marriage on human rights

Legalizing gay marriage can protect the rights of all couples, including those of different sex, and their religious freedom. Many advocates of same-sex marriage believe that such a move can help advance the causes of equal marriage rights, religious freedom, and equality before the law about essay writer. According to a recent poll, seventy-two per cent of Australians support the legalization of marriage for same-sex couples.

While there are many benefits to legalizing gay marriage, many individuals worry about the negative impact on human rights. The debate about same-sex marriage in the United States has caused social unrest. Research has found that social and political uncertainty may negatively impact the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.

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