Why Fire Safety at Work is Everyone’s Responsibility


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From offices to factories, from warehouses to transportation companies, fire safety at work is a major issue. Even a small fire could cause significant loss of life, not to mention the accompanying property damage and associated loss of inventory.

If you think that Fireproofing contractor in New Hampshire safety at work is someone else’s job, it is time to think again. Even if your company has its dedicated safety officer, effective fire protection is a team effort. Here are some of the reasons why fire safety at work should be everyone’s responsibility.

Your Lives Are On the Line

The most obvious reason to care about fire safety on the job is self-preservation. Your life and the lives of everyone you work with will be at risk if a fire breaks out, so doing your part to promote a culture of fire safety is definitely in your best interest.

Even if your company has its own safety officer, you can still do your part to promote safety in the workplace. Fire safety at work starts with the actions of every individual employee, and everyone needs to do their part.

From disposing of trash properly to smoking only in designated areas, the simple things can make a huge difference. If your company has a formal safety manual, read and follow it. If not, use your own common sense as a fire safety guide.

Fire Damage Could Cost You Your Job

In Ontario and around the world, a surprisingly high percentage of companies that suffer a fire or other natural disaster never reopen. Even if your employer carries enough insurance to rebuild, the temporary loss of business could lead to a permanent shutdown.

Some businesses that suffer fire damage simply find that the cost of rebuilding is too high. Others take the opportunity to pull up stakes and move elsewhere. The bottom line is that a fire could leave you out of a job, so fire prevention is a form of career preservation.

That is why your workplace or business must have fire safety plan training in case of an emergency. It is also the law in Ontario that your buildingā€™s supervisory staff be trained on fire emergency procedures described in the fire safety plan before they are given a responsibility.

Even a Small Fire Could Have Devastating Consequences

You may think workplace fire safety involves guarding against a large conflagration, but even a small blaze could have devastating consequences for the business and its operations in a city like Toronto. No fire risk is too small to be reported, and not even the tiniest safety risk should go unreported.

In the end, tire safety at work is the responsibility of every employee. It does not matter if you work on the dock unloading trucks all day, toil in the mailroom handling company communication or occupy the corner office, doing what you can to promote safety and prevent fires is essential, if unofficial, part of your job.

Get IFE Accredited Fire Safety Training

As it is the law for your building supervisory staff to be trained on emergency measures related to fire, you must ensure that they have the essential fire safety training to protect the building and its residents in case of a multiple alarm fire.

A fire safety course from an accredited company can help your building staff understand, navigate and implement a Building Fire Safety Plan. It will also help them understand the best practices in a Fire Service Arrival! Give your supervisory team the advantage by getting them trained through an accredited fire safety program online today!

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