Why Engine Oil Change is Considered So Important in Car Servicing


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Owning a car brings about a lot of happiness but also demands a sincere lifelong maintenance schedule. Irrespective of the vehicle you buy, you will be entitled to follow a strict maintenance schedule in which engine oil change will always be considered as one of the most important components.

If you are a new car buyer and are unaware of how important it is to change the engine oil in time, then here is a brief explanation for it. An experienced mechanic of the Burlington oil change service stated that changing the engine oil of your following the strict time recommendation by the manufacturer will save you from many probable car performance issues and hence lot of money.

When to Change the Oil?

The most obvious way to know that your car engine needs an immediate oil changeis that on your dashboard a light will get turned on with a flashing message “check engine”. Though this indicative light can be triggered for many other reasons, one of the most common ones is engine oil contamination or the level going down.

The check engine light is most likely to come up because of the oil issue, especially when your car has crossed certain distance without an oil change. The light mightstay on even after you’ve done the oil change.In that case, you will have to go ahead with a thorough inspection and prepare yourself for some other repair jobs.

Change of Oil and Filter

In most cases you will hear that an oil change for your car will be followed by an oil filter change as well. It is so because when the engine oil is changed and not the oil filter, it will be not of much use. If your engine oil filter is old and worn out, refilling the reservoir with new engine oil will not have much effect since it will also start getting contaminated.

Type of Oil is Important

Here you must rememberthat the choice of the new engine oilwill make a lot of difference. It is strongly advised that you choose only the same oil type which has been recommended by your manufacturer. It is because every car engine mechanism is engineered to be run with a certain type of oil and other types will not work the same waybecause of the difference in thechemical components and viscosity.

Related Factors

There are few more factors related to the engine, that too get affected, when the oil falls below its normal level, or gets overly contaminated. The group of mechanics who offer oil change service in Burlington center also suggest that during an oil change, the car owners should also check out other components that need a refreshment or replacement, like the cabin air filter, brake and transmission fluid, and the coolant. Changing all of these items would also minimize the chances of the check engine light turning on.

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