Why do people Buy DNA Certified Sir Walter Turf?

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You can’t go wrong with buying Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf when it comes to excellent soft leaf buffalo turf. Sir Walter was born and reared in Australia’s harsh climate, so he’s ready every year. It has a great drought tolerance and is winter active, keeping a crisp green throughout the year. Around the clock, Sir Walter turf from Sydney Lawn And Turf creates an enticing garden.

As long as Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf is adequately prepared for every season, it will keep its color throughout the year. It should be maintained in the autumn and not mown too short. It should then be fertilized and cut short in the spring, with the exception of shaded areas, which will require a bit longer growth and minimal watering across the year. By trimming in the spring, you may remove any thatch build-up and allow for fresh, new growth.

How can you tell whether the turf you’re buying is real Sir Walter? Lawn Solutions Australia (LSA) has been attentive in confirming that all of its members are providing authentic and high-quality Sir Walter turf. They began doing a comprehensive DNA analysis on all of its members in 2015.

You may be confident that Sir Walter grass purchased from an LSA member is of high quality. All Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf comes with a certification emblem and a ten-year guarantee certificate; double-check them to ensure the product is authentic.


Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Turf has a dense growth style and is a luxuriant, wide leaf grass. Many circumstances are suitable for Australia’s most preferred grass. Sir Walter soft buffalo thrives in both rain and sun because of its drought tolerance, wear resilience, and shade tolerance. Even though Sir Walter buffalo lawns Turf is the best lawn in terms of beauty and toughness, it still lacks softness. Sir Walter is not only super comfy, but it also lowers the sun’s rays by up to ten degrees, providing a relaxing atmosphere.


Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf is grass that requires very little care. Sir Walter is quick to maintain and non-invasive, so you can spend more time resting in your backyard rather than maintaining it. Sir Walter’s wide leaves thrive in as little as three hours of sunshine each day, making them ideal for the short winter days. Sir Walter’s deep-growing roots take humidity from the earth, allowing it can endure our scorching summers. Its compact growth habit not only gives it a nice appearance but also keeps most weeds at bay and prevents it from growing into your garden beds.


This tough Australian lawn can grow and flourish in almost any environment. Sir Walter DNA Certified Lawn Buffalo has the top hand in full sun, partial shade, drought or high heat, and frost. Sir Walter is incredibly adaptable and durable, and its non-allergenic properties make it ideal for kids and animals. Its delicate leaf blades aren’t irritating, and it produces almost no pollen, providing you a reprieve from your hay fever symptoms. Sir Walter Turf is a strong and attractive grass that is ideal for you.

Conclusion:- Experts will offer you a Lawn Services Australia 10 Year Brand Warrant, regardless of the amount of your buy, to demonstrate the trust in the quality of the Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf that the company sells. Feel good about your decision since you understand your turf was produced and harvested to the greatest standards, is free of weeds and infection, and will thrive in its new location.

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