Why Companies Should Always Have A Confined Space Rescue Team On Their Side

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An alarming 14 deaths occur each day for workers in the U.S., many of which result from dangers associated with working in confined spaces. When working in small spaces, numerous hazards can be fatal without rescue teams on standby. Not all hazards are visible, making unknown dangers even more of a threat. 

With the knowns and unknowns of safety concerns at the forefront, companies should always have a rescue team to prevent dangerous situations and outcomes. Safety hazards are unlikely to be avoided on the job site, especially in confined spaces, making the need for safety rescue teams particularly important. By taking active preventative measures to ensure the safety of workers in confined spaces, lives can be saved, and health complications can be avoided. 

The need for on-call safety teams is backed by research conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor and OSHA, The Occupational Safety And Health Administration. Indeed, it is required that companies have confined space safety teams and rescue plans for workers in new construction. For more information on why companies should always have confined space rescue teams, continue reading below. 

The Hazards Of Confined Spaces Are Many 

It is essential to recognize that remaining in confined working spaces for too long can be dangerous. Additionally, working in confined spaces is only safe when the spaces are not under abnormal circumstances. Some examples of confined spaces on the work site include sewers, tunnels, and storage tanks. 

When talking about workplace safety, having a confined space rescue team is non-negotiable for companies prioritizing employee well-being. Through the help of fit testing Brisbane services, the rescue teams will ensure all protective gears worn by personnel are thoroughly checked, and this gives them the needed edge in situations that require immediate response. By taking such precautionary measures not only reduces risks but also demonstrate company care for workers.

Confined spaces that should also utilize confined space rescue teams include work being done in furnace chambers, stuffy rooms, and areas where ductwork is being completed. The objective is to work within these spaces for a short time to make the likelihood of hazards scarce, while also having confined space rescue teams available on-call. 

There Are Unforeseeable Safety Risks: Involve Confined Space Rescue Teams

You may think that getting stuck in a confined space poses the most significant hazard, and while this does occur, it is not the only concern. One of the most critical concerns to be aware of is the many interferences that can occur to one’s breathing by remaining in a confined space for too long.  It is impossible to see if the space lacks oxygen or if hazardous fumes are present. 

There might even be flammable gas leakage that you won’t be able to spot. For all of these reasons, it is possible that one’s breathing could suffer and quickly turn into a need for safety rescue. There are many unsafe issues that can crop up because of gas and oxygen issues that require confined space rescue teams for workers in these confined spaces. 

Take Care Of Your Team With Appropriate Safety Measures 

Additional safety hazards can occur while working in confined spaces, such as extreme heat and flooding. Many unknowns can lead to serious consequences if confined space rescue teams are not established. Take care of your team and get started with a confined space rescue team for the safety of everyone in your work environment.  

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