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Health and fitness are at the forefront today, with an entire community and range of products catering to their needs and demands. Fitness enthusiasts are very cautious about their diet and exercise regime. This community thrives on maintaining their body in prime condition. An essential part of this process is nutrition; a person’s diet must contain all essential nutrients for optimal health. We should consume vitamins, proteins, minerals and other crucial nutrients in stipulated quantities. Proteins are an incredibly significant nutrition source for the body. Proteins are vital for several normal bodily functions. All diets centre around protein intake, as they can help reduce body fat. Several food items containing protein also contain fat, like dairy. It is essential to find a protein source that doesn’t add calories, like nuts. Nuts are a healthy and tasty snack option. Many fitness enthusiasts purchase bulk nuts as they make several smoothies and other recipes with nuts and are cheaper when bought in bulk.


Several different nuts are edible and available both online and offline. All nuts are a rich source of protein, but each of them has its speciality.


Some of the most commonly known nuts are almonds. Almonds contain 0.26g of protein in each almond. They are versatile as they easily assimilate into most breakfast recipes. Almonds are best eaten after blanching and removing their skin, and several online shops sell them skinless. Besides proteins, almonds are also a rich source of vitamin E, iron and magnesium. Vitamin E helps in fighting off free radicals and has antioxidative properties. Iron and magnesium help enrich the blood and the internal organs’ functioning.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are a popular addition to most desserts like white chocolate cookies. They have a decadent flavour profile and are a favourite amongst nut-lovers. They are a rich source of protein (8g per every 1008g), manganese, copper and thiamine or Vitamin B1. This vitamin helps in reducing fats from carbs, aiding those cautious about weight loss. Vitamin B1 converts carbs into energy, allowing for better functioning as well as stamina. They are a perfect addition to pre-workout smoothies.


Pistachio-lovers are a community; these people specifically love flavoured pistachio food. Pistachios are usually sold with their shell, and people have to break through them for the nut. Pistachios are available as salted or sweetened snacks, perfect for tea-time breaks. Every 100g of pistachios contains 20g of proteins. They are also a rich source of copper, manganese, thiamine, amino acids and Vitamin B6 (collagen). This vitamin helps in regulating blood sugar levels and in maintaining younger skin.


Walnuts are a rage over the world for their health benefits like omega-3 fatty acids, proteins (15g per every 100g), magnesium polyphenols and arginine. They are a superfood for the brain; this is the primary reason for their global popularity. Walnuts too easily fit into any breakfast or dessert recipe.


Cashews enjoy global popularity and rank in the top favourite nuts of most people. Cashew nuts come from fruits, which are also edible. Cashews contain 18g of protein per 100g and are a primary ingredient in several recipes. Cashews are also a rich source of copper, zinc, magnesium and other minerals. Cashews help improve the sense of taste and smell and also aid female fertility.


Most nutty desserts contain hazelnuts for their subtle and understated flavour. Those without a sweet tooth can also enjoy these nuts on pasta and meat pies. Most confectionaries and bakeries order them as bulk nuts, using up their stock quickly. They are a rich source of manganese, making them another vital nut for brain health. Besides protein (15g per every 100g), hazelnuts also contain vitamin E, a necessary nutrient for skin, hair and nails.

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