What You Should Know About Bail Bonds in Missouri


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In the unfortunate event that you or someone you care about is arrested, you should know what you should do to get out of jail as fast as possible. Every minute spent in jail is wasted time and opportunity. To get out of jail, you’ll need to post bail first. Sometimes, the bail amount is set at too high a price to afford. However, you can still get your friend or loved one out of jail whether you have the money with you or not. This is what makes bail bonding such an important industry popular. Read about bail bonds in Missouri. Below are the things you should know about bail bonds.

How do bail bonds work?

A bail bond is paid on behalf of the defendant to get him out of jail. This is often posted by the bail bond company at a small fee of 10% of the bail amount set by the court. If you’re unable to raise the 10% bail bond fee, you may have to borrow from friends and family or sell some of your possessions.

You can use some assets or personal possessions as collateral

Even after paying a 10% fee to have the bail bond agent to post your bail, you should have some assets as collateral so that they can be sold to recover the bail amount if you fail to appear in court as promised. Some assets you can use as collateral include credit cards, bank accounts, jewelry, vehicles, and stocks.

Factors that influence bail bond amounts

The bail amount set for your friend may not be the same one for you, even if you’ve committed the same crime. So, you should understand the factors that influence the bail amount, which includes a criminal record, flight risk, and criminal record. For instance, having an extensive criminal record can increase your bail amount. Similarly, if the judge has any reason to believe that you’re likely to leave town if released on bail, your bail amount may be higher or you may be denied bail altogether. The crime you’ve committed will also influence the bail amount set by the judge.

You are not guaranteed of getting your money back

Many people ask whether there is a money-back guarantee if they post bail and adhere to the conditions of their release. The truth is that you never really get your money back. If you paid a 10% fee to the bonding company, that’s their commission for the services offered. On the other hand, if you posted cash bail, you may receive some back after paying public defender fees, court charges, and fines.

You can file a motion so that your bail is reduced

If for some reason your bail amount seems too high for you, you may file a motion to facilitate its reduction. However, you may need a good attorney to prove you deserve a bail reduction. Remember to not push your luck because the judge can increase or deny you bail at will.

If your loved one has been arrested and taken to jail, you should know a few things about bail bonds santa ana ca so that you can facilitate their release. Understanding bail bonds and how they work will help you work more effectively with the justice system and get your loved one out of jail.

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