What to Do if You’ve Been Hit by a Drunk Driver


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Did you know that almost 30 people in the United States die in drunk driving crashes each day?

Unfortunately, drunk driving is a common issue that causes innocent people to face the consequences. If you have been hit by a drunk driver or just want to know what to do if it happens to you, you’ve come to the right place.

Read on to learn what to do if you’ve been hit by a drunk driver.

Report the Accident

After getting into an accident of any kind, you must report the issue by calling 911. This is especially true if you suspect the at-fault driver is under the influence. Getting the police involved will ensure that the driver under the influence does not get back on the road and cause more damage to others.

After you report a drunk driver, check anyone for injuries. Anyone who is seriously injured should not get moved until help arrives.

Gather Information

After a drunk driver crash, you need to jot down any important information. A driver under the influence may be hesitant to provide their driver’s license, but get it if you can. Along with the driver’s license information, you should obtain the license plate number and insurance information.

If you can, take photos of the accident to prove the damage that the accident caused. This is an important step as you may have to recall the damage later on during a lawsuit. If you cannot take a picture, write details down about the accident while it is fresh on your mind.

Seek Medical Attention

After a drunk driver accident, you will only have a certain amount of days to receive medical attention if the driver’s insurance policy has Personal Injury Protection. Depending on what state you are in, these benefits can cover the majority of your medical bills if you receive treatment within the time frame.

When you are hit by a drunk driver, you may not notice injuries right away because the crash has you so frazzled. This is why it is important to take a step back from the moment to assess anything that could be physically wrong.

If you are hurt to where you cannot move, wait for help to arrive. If you are hurt but can still get around, it is important to still receive medical attention to understand the extent of injuries.

Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

After understanding how to report a drunk driver, it is important to hire a lawyer for the issue. These professionals can help you get the recovery damaged you deserve from the drunk driver and anyone who over-served the driver. The benefits of hiring a Berkeley car accident lawyer include getting compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Medical or rehabilitation needs in the future
  • Pain and suffering
  • Time off from work
  • Vehicle repair damages

You can learn more here about car accident lawyers and DUI cases.

If You’ve Been Hit By a Drunk Driver…

Getting hit by a drunk driver can be a painful experience, physically and emotionally. By reporting the accident right away and receiving medical attention when you need it, you are more likely to receive the compensation you deserve. When you hire a lawyer throughout this process, you won’t have to go through it alone.

If you like what you’ve read, explore our blog for more legal advice.

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