What Research Tells Us About Sleep And CBD


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Although additional studies need to be conducted, there is some research supporting the theory that sleep may be improved by cannabinoids and CBD. Medicines Journal published a study involving 409 individuals with insomnia. From June 16 through May 2018 data was collected. Subjects rated their symptoms of insomnia on a 1 to 10 scale, with 10 as the most serious. The beginning symptoms had a 6.6 average rating. 

Participants were treated by giving them cannabis flowers using different combustion techniques, including joint, pipe, and vape. The average THC potency was 20 percent with a maximum of 30 percent. On average the CBD potency was 5.7 percent with a maximum of 30 percent. After participants used cannabis they rated their symptoms to be 2.2 on average, which was a 4.5 reduction. 

These results indicated that the cannabinoids contained in cannabis reduced insomnia symptoms. However, several cannabinoids are contained in the cannabis flower that was used in the study. That makes it hard to determine whether insomnia relief was due to the CBD or a different cannabinoid contained in the flower. 

The Permanente Journal published another study of 72 adults with poor sleep and anxiety. At the start of the study, the participants of the study completed assessments of their sleep and anxiety and then did a follow-up after the first month. Study participants were given a capsule with 25 mg of CBD. Participants who predominantly had sleep issues took their dose at night. Those with anxiety as their major complaint took their CBD dose during the morning. 

Anxiety scores went down in 79 percent of the individuals after one month. There was an improvement in sleep scores in 66 percent of participants indicating they had fewer problems sleeping. These results suggested that CBD reduced sleeping difficulties in a number of participants. However, although the reduction in anxiety symptoms stayed steady over the course of the study, over time the sleep scores saw fluctuations. 

Using CBD oil to help improve sleep has also been supported by several smaller studies. There was a case study that involved a 10-year-old girl who suffered from poor sleep and post-traumatic stress disorder. She was given a supplement with 25 mg of CBD that was taken at bedtime. During the day she was also given 12 mg of CBD through a sublingual day for anxiety. Over the course of five months, her sleep quality and quantity gradually improved. 

Although there is a lot of supporting evidence that indicates that cannabinoids and CBD can help to improve sleep, these results are not conclusive. Additional research is needed. There are many things that can be done to improve sleep, investing in a good quality mattress is number one, read these Awara mattress reviews.

Forms of CBD

CBD oil is CBD that gets extracted from cannabis plants. However, it can be a bit complex. CBD can be extracted from the hemp or marijuana plant. These are both Cannabis sativa plant strains. However, they are harvested in different ways. Hemp is derived from the plant’s stalks and seeds, which contain less THC compared to marijuana. 

Since the THC content within CBD oil can vary, depending on what state it is sold in, there could be restrictions. For instance, in some states, if all THC is removed from CBD oil it can be sold legally. If there is still THC or other types of cannabinoids contained in the CBD oil, then it can only be sold in those states where marijuana use is legal. 

Depending on your state’s laws, you might need to have a prescription from a doctor for CBD oil. However, laws continue to quickly change, so it could be different in the near future. 

You can place CBD oil under your tongue. You can also infuse it in various products, including: 

Edibles: There are different kinds of edibles containing CBD oil that are available. They include cookies, cakes, and gummy bears. Usually, edibles list the CBD concentration in milligrams. 

Vaporing: It is also possible to use CBD extract in a vape pen or vaporizer. Vapor is created as the CBD extracted heats up, which is then inhaled.  

Tinctures: CBD is also available in tinctures. You can add a couple of drops of it to a drink.  

Various concentrations of CBD oil are available. Research is still ongoing, so it might not be fully known what the exact dose is for treating sleep problems. Some trial and error might be necessary to determine the best dose. 

Given that CBD can be ingested in many different ways, there are many CBD products that are available to choose from to help improve your sleep. 

There is a body of scientific research supporting the theory that CBD provides health benefits. Although more research is necessary, using CBD can potentially help reduce your insomnia symptoms and help you sleep better. If you have sleep problems you are struggling with, consult with your doctor to learn more about the treatments and causes.

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