What is the taste of breast milk?

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Being a first-time mother can be quite an exciting experience to any woman. You may also have lots of questions in your mind concerning breastfeeding your baby and about your breast milk. What provides human breast milk a unique creaminess, sweetness and flavour? 

Generally, breast milk is said to be creamy and sweet, having pleasant flavour. When flavours are concerned, people tend to have a different experience. It is over time that taste gets developed based on your culture, genetics, foods consumed throughout life, etc. The fact is breast is quite similar to other foods. It might taste different for different people. 

Why is breast milk creamy and sweet?

It comprises of milk sugar lactose. Although lactose is not considered to be the sweetest sugar type available if lactose is present in huge numbers, sweetness however, is much greater. Since lactose is considered to be among the major ingredients present in breast milk, higher concentrations does offer it with its sweet flavour. 

It also contains fat, the amount of which tends to determine its creamy nature. As milk starts to flow from the mother’s breast, less amount of fat is present in it. it also appears watery and thin. With milk continuing to flow, there is noticed more cream and higher fat content in it. 

How does it derive its unique taste?

Besides being creamy and sweet, breast milk comprises of the flavours derived from food that the mother consumes every day. You can expose your little one to the healthy food tastes by consuming well-planned diet filled with vegetables and fruits. With your infant developing fast and starting to consume solid food, it is believed that they will be prepared to eat those foods which you have ‘tasted’ them through your breast milk. Hence, your breast milk can help your child to develop the ‘taste’ and ‘flavour’ for several tasty foods that you prefer. It also includes cultural dishes, spicy and garlic foods. 

Things affecting breast milk flavour

There may arise several reasons for your breast milk to experience change in its taste. This is likely to affect your child. A few babies might not take notice of the change or mind taste variations. Others may start to self-wean. 

You can prolong your breastfeeding your baby by knowing a few things which might change your breast milk flavour and taste. 


Hormone level shift in the body due to a new pregnancy or return of period might cause significant influence in milk flavour. While having periods, it is safe to breastfeed your baby. Even if you become pregnant, it is safe to continue breastfeeding your baby. This is until you do not develop any high-risk pregnancy issues. In case you still are eager to breastfeed, you may do so.


Lactic acid build-up in your body combined with saltiness of perspiration accumulating in your breast region due to strenuous exercise is likely to change your breast milk taste. Hence, you should perform only moderate to light level workouts till you continue breastfeeding your baby. This will have reduced effect on the milk taste. Also make sure to wash your breasts thoroughly before you start to feed your baby. This will help eliminate salty sweat. 


According to studies conducted, if you smoke cigarettes, then your breast milk is likely to have the flavour and smell of the smoke. Remember, if you wish to have a healthy baby who gets flavourful mother’s milk, then avoid smoking cigarettes two hours before feeding your child. Once feeding it completed, you can satisfy your craving. This will ensure that the flavour and smell of smoke is kept to the bare minimum. 


Medical experts consider that certain medications might change breast milk taste. In case you find that your infant is not interested in breastfeeding as usual, then perhaps, the new medications taken might be the reason. Discuss with your doctor on this issue to find out a remedy. 


Breast milk taste is likely to be affected significantly on drinking alcohol. For the alcoholic drink to leave your body as well as your breast milk, it takes about two hours’ time. It is better to avoid or take alcohol in very low limits if you breastfeed your baby to ensure he/she gets quality, flavourful milk. But make sure to a good number of hours gap before breastfeeding your baby to avoid altered flavour of milk due to alcohol consumption. 


This breast infection might be the reason for your breast milk to taste salty and strong. You may continue breastfeeding your baby if you have contracted mastitis. Consult your doctor if your child weans away from breastfeeding. You can undergo blood test breast milk to find out your milk quality and to ensure essential nutrients are present in it, required for the healthy development of your baby.

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