What Is The Correct Dosage Of Kratom?


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Kratom is a plant that is natively known as Mitragyna Speciosa in the northern parts of  Southeast Asia. Kratom has been consumed by the locals since the nineteenth century through direct chewing methods, where after the plucking of leaves and removal of veins, the leaves are chewed.

 It was and is still believed to be the best form of medicine which relieves the patient from excruciating pain and provides a sedative effect. This confirms that Kratom has similar effects to morphine and acts as a stimulant. Along with the pain relieving effect, it also energizes the body and makes one fresh and alert, depending on the strain consumed. 

Containing therapeutic properties, Kratom also helps to deal with depression, anxiety, cough and other respiratory conditions as well as a pain reliever to help with opiate withdrawals. The most important aspect in the Kratom world is the right amount of dosage with the correct strain.

A strain that worked wonders for one person isn’t bound to work the same way for the other person. It depends on weight, physical tolerance and adaptability. Improper use of Kratom or overuse can lead to serious conditions which are inevitable. Overdose can cause unconsciousness and increased heartbeat. Dosing of Kratom for pain relief needs to be proper and done right. 

How does Kratom work?

The researches that have been conducted on Kratom till date show that it contains multiple active alkaloids and also a very important chemical component called mitrgynine. This chemical, along with the alkaloids are important in creating sedative effects and acts like morphine which is a pain reliever. Hence, the easing off of the pain occurs when patients use Kratom. Kratom directly binds to the opioid receptors in the brain which helps in dealing with the symptoms of opioid withdrawals. Higher doses can obviously be harmful to the health and can induce sleep for some time.

Kratom Dosage  

The correct dosage of Kratom depends on a lot of factors such as age, health condition of user, physical tolerance and also the type of strain being used. This is because different strains have multiple effects on the body and mind. The strains belong to three categories: Red, White and Green Vein. There are also different sub-categories that include unique and rare strains from their origin belonging to for example Thailand which export the famous Red Vein Thai Kratom

Measurements are not equal for all products from different vendors and it depends on the intensity of the product if it is good enough or not. If the Kratom is original and authentic, then lower doses meaning smaller amounts are needed to fulfil the desired effects.

If the Kratom is contaminated, then higher doses will be required to attain the same effects achieved by taking smaller amounts. The forms of Kratom also make a difference. The leaf extracts might weigh different in capsules or powder. 

For starters and newbies, it is recommended to consume small doses to see if they work alright and don’t cause any side effects and then slowly and steadily, the dosage can be increased but carefully, under observation. 2 or 3 grams or Kratom is great for a start. This amount is to be ingested on an empty stomach for full effects. 

The effects kick in after five to ten minutes of consumption and up to forty minutes are taken to observe the complete side effects that dosage has resulted in. Another gram can be safely taken if the consumer thinks it is bearable. It is better to consult a doctor or physician before starting to use Kratom as if it better to completely understand your body and its endurance levels before its usage. 

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