Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate our sleep cycle. It’s often caused by jet lag, shift work, and insomnia. The time of day you take Melatonin depends on what you’re using it for. If you have trouble sleeping at night or are looking to improve your sleep quality in general, then taking it at bedtime is best. However, for people who need help adjusting to a new time zone quickly, taking it during the morning can be helpful too.
Should I take Melatonin at night or in the morning?
Please note that Melatonin does not initiate sleep but rather helps maintain the body’s circadian rhythm. Therefore, Melatonins are the best wellness products at night before bedtime to help restore homeostasis and promote healthy sleep. If you take it during the day (in the morning), you will probably feel groggy because your brain might interpret this as a signal for sleeping in school or work. This has happened to me many times, unfortunately.
I can attest first hand that taking Melatonin too early may render it ineffective; however, if you do happen to fall asleep within an hour of taking it, then don’t worry about it – permit yourself to sleep on through until nighttime. It won’t hurt anything.
Should you take Melatonin 2 hours before bed?
It might be a good idea to take Melatonin two hours before bedtime if you’re trying to fall asleep quickly. However, if your body processes it too quickly, then the effects will wear off within about one hour and won’t last through the night – causing you to wake up in the middle of your sleep cycle. I find that taking Melatonin on an empty stomach is best for me because my liver does not need any extra work processing all those chemicals.
Why does Melatonin wake me up in the middle of the night?
If you find that taking Melatonin wakes you up in the middle of your sleep cycle, I recommend trying a very small dose like 0.25 mg to start and see if that helps. If it’s still not working for you, try cutting your pill into four even pieces (so each quarter is about 0.0625mg) so that it metabolizes more slowly throughout the night.
I have trouble sleeping every single day because my body just won’t shut down at night, which makes me feel exhausted all day long. Taking Melatonin has helped me tremendously with this problem, but unfortunately, I didn’t know when was best to take it…until now 🙂
Is Melatonin OK to take every night?
It is safe to take Melatonin every night, but it might become less effective if you do this over an extended period of time. If you’re looking for a long-term fix, then I would recommend making some changes to your lifestyle instead so that your body can maintain its own natural circadian rhythm. That way, even after the effects of the Melatonin wear off at night, you will be able to fall asleep anyway because your brain has gotten used to doing so on its own. As always, please consult with your doctor before taking any supplements or medications just in case there are any interactions between them and what you’re already taking (vitamins, etc).
It is best to have a consistent bedtime routine that helps your body prepare for sleep. If you struggle with insomnia and are looking for a natural alternative, try taking a low dose of an OTC melatonin supplement before going to bed – but make sure not to take it too early.
Try around 30 minutes before laying down if possible – this will give adequate time for absorption into the bloodstream as well as help establish good sleeping habits by reinforcing your circadian rhythm. While there is no magic pill that can be taken once and then forgotten about forever, finding something that works right away may save you from struggling through sleepless nights because Melatonin has been scientifically proven.