What Is a Rainbow Kiss? Know all positives and negatives of Rainbow kiss

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If you will google search the topic “A Rainbow Kiss” you will get a couple of video and web results. There have been several posts regarding this topic, where some of them documented the journey of their personal life on social media platforms. They have posted documents on TikTok that certainly, it has gained the momentum where people started their journey. Subsequently, this topic remains shady but this unique name is quite trending on the internet. 

Though the Rainbow theme is more concerned with the LGBT community there is a meaning behind a rainbow kiss too under this too. It’s different from kylie cosmetics commercial cosmetic kit or any things related to some materialistic topics. While it’s not the fashion line of  JoJo Siwa’s clothing. In the next paragraphs, you will get all the details such as what is a rainbow kiss, or what’s a rainbow kiss, the rainbow kiss meaning, etc 

What is a Rainbow Kiss? 

In general, the rainbow kiss meaning is the act of having the inclusion of men’s semen and female mensurational blood. It might sound so bizarre to the common people but it is true. It is mainly done between the two consenting partners. Just imagine an act of licking or swapping semen and blood in each other mouths. 

To know more about more interpretations of “what is a rainbow kiss” read the paragraphs below. 

Explain a Rainbow kiss?

In simple terms, we can say that a rainbow kiss is a kiss between a male with her female partner during her mensurational cycle. It usually happens when a male goes down on her female partner during her periods and eats the blood while at the same time her partner gives him a blowjob. This act of a rainbow kiss def is only possible having a 69 position with partners. As soon as the man ejaculates in the mouth of a female, quickly the male mixes it with the mensurational blood it carries in his mouth. And this whole process creates a unique rainbow color in the mouths of the couples. This sound bizarre but this is a kind of rainbow kiss meaning is explained and simplified. 

Is Rainbow kiss safe?

If you are the kind of person who keeps hygiene and feels uneasy watching blood then a rainbow kiss might not be your choice. There are high chances that if you don’t take care of proper precautions while having this sexual activity you might push yourself some kind of disease or infection. Always focus on managing health safety on your priority list. 

Always beware of sexually transmissible diseases while performing sex or any kind of intimate activity. As the experts say that blood and sperm can carry highly infections content with themselves such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, gonorrhea, etc. Kindly have knowledge of the medical status of your partner. if you are doubtful or unsure about it then it is highly suggested to not perform any kind of sexual activity that includes penetration or anything going inside your body.

On the other side if you have performed tests then always consider consent before involving in an act of a Rainbow kiss. Additionally, this highly sensitive stuff that includes the exchange of fluids should not be performed with people you find at random in some bar, or street through an app. Always consider the health safety and physical limits before performing this move or anything physical or intimate. Never risk your health for short-term pleasures. 

How to perform rainbow kiss def? Or, How to do a this kiss? 

The whole topic of this kiss is quite contentious and the 

what is a rainbow kiss method is hard to find. 

So, in order to perform this action, you have to follow certain steps. Firstly, you have to explain to your opposite gender “what’s a rainbow kiss”. Explain and discuss this kiss def in detail with your partner. 

Secondly, take your partner into consent for it. Plan well and don’t force your partner for accepting it anyway. It is very important to have an acceptance in taking semen and mensurational blood in the mouth together. There are cases that end up in a huge fight for a Rainbow kiss if you have not planned it well. 

Thirdly, as the experts explain that there is a trick to apply while performing it by completing the act at the same time, so that partner doesn’t have to hold the semen or blood for a longer period of time. 

In conclusion for the whats a rainbow kiss steps we can say that it depends on the right coordination, timings, consent, and communication between the partners. For caution, the medical experts suggest not to perform Brushing or teeth flossing, as it might give you some minor injuries while doing unprotected oral sex. 

Additionally, the other thing you have to consider is that your partner should not be carrying any kind of transitory disease. The meaning of whats a rainbow kiss will be useless if you or your partner have diseases such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis, etc. having the mentioned diseases kindly don’t perform any kind of sexual activity without a doctor’s suggestion. 

Why do people love doing Rainbow kiss?

We have suggestions from experts in various fields explained about this kiss is and why people love doing it. For some people, it is a part to enjoy the unique way of sex during periods. With increasing trends among the public, this act is becoming less of a taboo now. People are becoming more open and accepting about their sexual desire. 

Therefore the reason behind the popularity of this activity is increasing instead of knowing what’s this kiss. As most couples know about it through social media platforms. 

While according to medical experts sexual activity during periods brings down stress and mensurational cramps. Additionally, it creates a physiological aid for the partner for adorning her body in times of discomfort. This acts somehow means more love and connection to your partner. 

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