What Happens if Pregnant Woman Gets Covid?


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Currently, the medical experts are still studying how coronavirus infection might affect a woman’s pregnancy and her unborn baby. But, it can be said that pregnant women with coronavirus are more likely to deliver their babies early. Yet, there is no link between COVID-19 in a pregnant woman and problems with her baby. However, it is possible that in certain cases it might have an impact on the pregnant woman and her child. And, in severe cases, it would be recommended to go for Covid treatment in Hyderabad

In the Article Below, Let Us Find Out What Happens if Pregnant Woman Gets COVID.

What are the ill-effects of COVID-19 on Pregnant Woman?

In most cases, a pregnant woman will only experience mild to moderate flu-like symptoms. But, if you are pregnant and your flu-like symptoms are getting worse, it could mean that your chest infection is getting more severe, and you may require hospitalization. So, if you develop more severe symptoms, you must contact a hospital near you immediately. 

Patients who may get infected with coronavirus symptoms like high fever may enhance the risk of birth defects, though there is no evidence for this yet. 

What Effects will Coronavirus Have on the Baby if a Pregnant Woman is Tested Positive?

Presently, there is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage if exposed to COVID-19.  At the same time, there is also no evidence of vertical transmission, which refers to the ability of the virus to pass to your unborn baby during pregnancy. 

According to a study, nine pregnant women in China who tested positive for COVID-19, their babies tested negative for the virus and were healthy overall.  However, as per another study, a pregnant lady in London tested positive for coronavirus and later her newborn also tested positive. Although, it is unclear whether the baby contracted the viral infection in utero or shortly after birth. 

Are Pregnant Women at an Increased Risk for Coronavirus?

It is not clearly known if pregnant women are more susceptible to be infected by COVID-19 when compared to the normal population. But, pregnant women are advised to reduce social contact with social distancing. And, it is an established fact that in some women, pregnancy alters how the body fights some viral infections. 

Precautions for Pregnant Women Against Coronavirus:-

Here mentioned are some of the steps to prevent getting the COVID-19 disease during pregnancy:-

  1. Do not forget to wash your hands frequently – Maintaining hand hygiene can really protect you from exposure to COVID-19.  So, you must wash hands regularly.
  2. You must practice social distancing – Make sure to always maintain a distance of at least 2 meters or 6 feet from others when you are in a public place. And, it is better to avoid contact with others as much as possible. 
  3. Get your covid vaccination on time – Vaccination is the only way to reduce the spread of the disease. So, you must book a slot and get vaccinated at the earliest.
  4. Do not ignore any respiratory symptoms – If you are suffering from cough or any respiratory distress, do not hesitate to call your doctor. After taking a look at your detailed history, your doctor will decide if you need to get tested for COVID-19 or not. 


COVID-19 is a fatal disease. It is important to take all the necessary precautions to protect yourselves from the spread of the disease. Apart from following the precautionary measures, you must all try to include lung exercises for covid in your daily fitness regime. You can also check the precautionary measures to do if you are covid positive.

For further details about what happens if pregnant woman gets COVID, you must visit a well-known gynecologist. 

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