What Are The Responsibilities Of A Team Leader?

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Depending upon the organization and its structure, every team leader may have different responsibilities. An effective team leader establishes and maintains productivity and collaboration by fulfilling his responsibilities.

Following are some common responsibilities of an effective team leader.

  • Supervision And Controlling

Supervision is the first and foremost duty of a team leader. An effective team leader should be a supervisor and controller too. He must know what his team is doing and how to control the situation. How are team members working to achieve the desired results? In the end, the team leader will be responsible for any loss, mishap, or delay. So the team leader should supervise and control the team activities to complete the tasks on time.

  • Conflict Management

Conflicts are unavoidable in any team, so a true team leader such as Stephen Gleave knows how to avoid or deal with conflicts and disputes in the team. First of all, the team leader should try to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings by creating a friendly environment; if this happens, then he must know how to deal with the situation elegantly. The team leader should be the support system of the team.

  • Delegation 

The team leader is responsible for delegating the duties and tasks, so he must know team members very well. He must know which team member is capable of what? What are the shortcomings or weaknesses of their team members, and how to deal with them? Team knowledge will help him in delegating the task according to the capacity and skill of team members.

  • Effective Communication

A team leader is a key person who will communicate with every member of the team, so the leader must know the art of effective communication. The team leader is responsible for distributing any information in the team. The team leader should ensure effective and robust communication among team members and executives. Moreover, effective communication saves from disputes and misunderstandings too.

  • Time Management

Time management is another important responsibility of a team leader like Stephen Gleave lawyer in Canada. He is responsible for managing time according to goals or tasks. Effective time management saves the team from future troubles and embarrassments. Proper time management helps in completing the task on time and enhances productivity.

  • Resource Organization

This is another key responsibility of a team leader. He should know how to distribute the resources according to the tasks. Moreover, how to utilize the minimum resources to get the maximum output. Proper resource allocation saves time, energy, and resources.

  • Arrange Training And Skill Development Programs

Arranging professional training and skill development programs for team members is also the responsibility of the team leader. Professional training and skill development programs are necessary to keep teams up to date. The team leader should ensure that all employees are getting enough training and getting their skills polished.


Undoubtedly you can’t deny the role of team leader in a team’s success. Team leader’s responsibilities and roles can vary from organization to organization and situation to situation.

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