What are the best therapeutic massage therapy services for athletes? Check out the top 3 here!


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As an athlete, you constantly put your body through hard training, tough games, and weeks of two-a-day practices that are sure to wear down on your muscles and joints over time. With some sports, like golf, you constantly make the same repetitive motion, throwing your body out of whack and causing some imbalances that lead to muscle aches and pains.

To help cure your aches and pains and let you continue playing your sport at a high level, you need to choose the therapeutic methods you need to allow your body to recover. Along with other methods like ice baths, stretching, hot yoga, eating a good diet, and psychological training, specific hands-on therapeutic methods can be highly beneficial to release tension in your body.

3 massage therapy services specifically for athletes!

When looking at the best therapy for athletes, massage is often at the top of the list. Along with feeling good – sometimes – and allowing you to relax in between training sessions, massage is a great way to get rid of knots in your muscles, relieve joint pain, and restore a full range of motion. Reach out to Corey Proffitt Studios to get the best massage therapy services.

Sports Massage

Arguably the best massage for athletes is called sports massage – go figure. Sports massage is used for injury prevention, recovery from strenuous exercise, recovery from muscle fatigue, relaxation, and performance enhancement. This type of massage is a Swedish massage that uses various techniques to help you pre- or post-match. 

  • Pre-event sports massage – This massage is typically used within 4 hours of your sporting event to help stimulate or relax the athlete for their sport.
  • Post-event sports massage – After a competition, this massage helps an athlete relax, ease the muscles, circulate nutrients, and prevent muscle soreness the next day.
  • Training sports massage – Used between training sessions to help reduce the risk of injury and reduce inflammation.
  • Rehabilitative Sports massage – Used to recover from sports injuries. 

Intense Muscle Release

Intense muscle release, also known as intense muscle therapy, is a type of massage used for tight and stressed muscles. Using Swedish and cross-fiber techniques, the intense release uses essential oils to relax the patient combined with an intensive massage that works deep into the belly of the muscles.

Swedish massage

The final type of massage that works the best for athletes is a Swedish massage, a therapy type designed to help relax the entire body by returning blood to the heart. This type of therapy is a typical massage found in most massage parlors and physiotherapy clinics today, helping regular people relax after stressful weeks and athletes recover after weekend-long tournaments. 


As you can see, various relaxation and recovery messages are essential for an athlete to continue performing at a top level in their sport. Using sports massage, intensive muscle release, and Swedish massage are great ways to help relieve tight muscles and reduce inflammation.

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