What are Local and Global Variables in Python?

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When we start our day in any instance, we have many options and sources to generate information in different forms, and hence we must take care of the security aspects of the data generated. For performing all the activities, there are different tools that help us to visualize, analyze and accordingly deal with the data.

There are many programming languages that are used in a wide range. A Programming language is defined as the set of rules or commands that convert strings or graphical elements in a visual programming language to different types of machine codes. In other words, Programming languages can also be defined as computer languages used to implement different algorithms.

There are many different types of programming languages, such as Java, Python, SQL, HTML, C, C++, etc., which have their own typing format to specify different functionality of the program that are engaged to their own tasks. Among the available programming languages, most of them use instructions and a specific set of codes to describe any program’s functionality. The schematics of Python are easy in comparison to many other languages; it is classified under statically-typed programming language. It is a user-friendly language that does not trouble the interpreter.

What are  Python Variables?

Python is a programming language that follows a “Statically typed” data format.  Variables are very important in any programming language. In the case of Python, we don’t require to declare or mention any variables before using them or their types. A variable can be defined as the medium or a container that is used to store data or values in an organized manner. In Python, a variable is generated at the time when we assign or provide value to it. A named variable in Python is given to a specific memory location at which data is stored. It is known as the basic unit of storing data in any program. There are two types of variables that exist in python, namely Local and Global variables. Let us understand the local and global variables in Python.

Rules required to create variables

  • Any variable used must start with a letter or an underscore character.
  • A variable name in python does not start with a numeric value.
  • A variable naming format consists of only alpha-numeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and an underscore ( _ ) character but cannot have special characters.
  • Variable names used are case sensitive when defined; there may be three variations such as name, Name and NAME.
  • Some reserved keywords are not being used in the assignment of variables.

Types of Variables in Python

Python is a user-friendly programming language. There are many variables used in Python to store data in various types. As python is a statically typed language, there is no difficulty in understanding the data types. Let’s take a dive into the two types of variables that are used in python.

  • Local Variables: The variables that are defined and mentioned inside any function are popularly known as the local variables.


# This function uses global var

def f ()

      s =  ‘hello dear ‘

      Print ( s)

f ( )

Output :

        hello dear

  • Global Variables:  AGlobal variable is the one which is defined and mentioned outside of a function. These variables are used later inside the function too.


# This function has a variable

 # Name same as s

   def  f ( )

       Print ( s)

# Global  scope

   s = ” I love India “

   f ( )

Output :

    I Love India

Global keywords used in Python

Global variables have global keywords that allow the programmers to modify any variables present within the current scope. Global variables are generated through a Non-Global source i.e. within a function. The Global variables inside any function are used only when we want to change any information or to assign any new value of variables. Global variables are not used to print or access internal data.

Rules of generating Global keywords

  • When any variable is defined under a function, then in general, it is considered to be a local variable until and unless explicitly defined as a Global variable.
  • The variables that are referenced, especially inside a function, are referred implicitly as to global.
  • There is no requirement to mention or use global variables outside a function.


# Python program to modify a global value inside a function

 x = 20

def change():

       # using a global keyword

    global x

    # increment value of a by 5

   x = x + 5

       print (“Value of x inside the function :”, x)

  change( )

print ( “Value of x outside the function” )

Output :

  Value of x inside the function : 25

  Value of x outside  the function : 25

Python Data Types

When you use any variable in Python, it is considered to be an object. These variables are used to follow the specific nomenclature and orientation of alpha-numeric names beginning with an underscore character. Most of the data types of python variables are local in the scope of their class or families. According to the data types, the programmers interpret and allocate the memory location in reserved memory.


In the above stanza, we have been observing and learning the technicalities of the variables, how they are defined and mentioned within a function or just used within or outside any function, depending on the requirements to call a specific value. Let us conclude with some of the important terms as discussed above. Variables are the packets, buckets, or envelopes used to store, maintain, and refer to any information. Similar to other programming languages, Python also uses these variables for the storage of data.  You may wish to take this Python Training Course in order to gain a deeper understanding of this topic. We will cover a number of topics in this course, including Python basics, conditional statements, data operations, shell scripts, and Django programming. In addition to the five days of blended learning that this course offers, there are also eight hours of self-paced online learning that you can do in the comfort of your own home. The course will help you prepare for a fulfilling career as a Python programmer by gaining practical experience programming.

The variables are case-sensitive and can also be declared or named in any format. These provide you facilities of re-declaration even after they are defined once in the current program. There are two functional variables available in Python Local and Global. Local variables are used to call stored values for current programs, whereas Global variables are used to call the same variables again and again over the entire rest of the program. Python constants are considered those values of variables that cannot be changed. These constants are declared from a new file source.

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