Using Solar Panels to Heat Swimming Pool – Is it Worth?

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Many homeowners in the US have a notion that maintaining a pool is totally worth the enjoyment it offers. 

There is nothing quite like plunging into a heated swimming pool as you bid goodbye to ‘Summer’. But, heating pools burn a hole in your pocket.  

Many homeowners invest in a solar cover or superior swimming pool enclosures to keep the pool water heated. 

However, if you’ve extensive plans to heat a number of swimming pools for a  commercial project, solar panels are worth considering as a backup investment. 

Let’s talk about it in detail and everything you should know about if solar power is right for you.  You can also visit for solar panel repair.

Solar Panel – What it is and how it works?

Solar panels are devices or solar cells that convert the sun’s energy into electricity. Solar power has become the world’s fastest-growing source of power. The power it creates can run ACs, electrical appliances, and most importantly, swimming pools. 

Often, solar panels are situated on the roof of a building to capture sunlight and transform it into solar power. 

Amazing Benefits of Installing Rooftop Solar Panels 

  1. It is a secure investment to make as it increases the property value.
  2. They run without any noise and emit lesser harmful gases which reduce carbon footprints.
  3. Those who adopt solar energy attracts a tax break of up to 30% by the Federal government.
  4. It helps to reduce the monthly electricity bills.

Installation of Solar Panels

Typically, the installation can be done within a week or so. Also, it is fully automated so once the system is up and running, you don’t have to think much about its upkeep in the near future.

Before we go ahead with the installation process, there are some important considerations:

  • Best place to install the solar panels: This will depend upon how much area you can cover. In-ground and roof-mounted systems will work to heat your pool.
  • Consider collector orientation: It has a massive influence on the panel’s efficiency. Solar pool heaters should be oriented geographically to draw direct sunlight towards it.
  • Think about collector tilt: The best angle where a solar panel would tilt is highly dependent upon how far your swimming season goes.

In addition, if you happen to live in a space where there is a big temperature jump between night and day, lay down a plan as to how you can speed up your pool heating process. 

Let’s Begin The Installation Process

  1. 3-Way Pool Valve

Installing it will make sure that water returns to the swimming pool or solar panels if you go past the panel system. 

Since they won’t block the water return flow, pool valves make a crucial addition to any solar panel system. 

  1. T-Pipe Fittings

This enables water coming back from the solar panels to the line right below the 3-way-pool valve. 

Then, the water returns to the swimming pool, heat the water that allows you to make the most of the swimming experience.

  1. Size Pipes Properly

Be sure to maintain an even size of pipes throughout the solar panel installation. Usually, it is around 1.5-2 inches. 

If you are installing panels on your roof, install a few pipe hangers to prevent its frequent movement. If you are using ground-mounted panels, union fittings will be the right choice to remove panels, as seasons change.

  1. Attach Panels to Roof

This step is a little challenging but will be all worth your effort. Use stainless steel hanger bolts, drill into roof rafters and then, add a generous blob of roofing tar to prevent the water leakage. 

Moving on, use an aluminum bar and washers to secure the panels completely.

  1. Connect Panels

Use PVC elbows, fittings, and panel’s hardware to connect panels to each other. You got to be extra careful of the ends of the panel pipes as to which flows in and flows out.

Now, switch the pump on and open the valve to the solar panels. Depending upon the pool system, turn off the power of the swimming pool when the solar panels are set up. 

The Bottom Line

Installing solar panels for keeping the water warm in your swimming pool definitely makes the right choice. So, if you are in the dilemma of buying these panels, you should move out of the fog and see the bright side of having it installed. 

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