Use These Hacks To Create The Best Revision Notes


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There is nothing more terrifying than revising everything just one night before your exams. You cannot even exclude the nervousness and the anxiety you feel that particular night. An entire academic year passes and you look over all your books, papers and other materials thinking, ā€˜Is there any better and easier way to revise for exams?ā€™ Yes, we all know this terrible truth. No one really enjoys the process of revision.

Now, we are not any magical beings to possess some sort of powers or are we? But that being said, we can make the whole process of revision exciting and effortless. This is no miracle, all you have to do is to follow some synchronised steps which are mentioned below. 

  1. Organising The Revision Notes

There are a lot of topics to revise. The simplest way to go through all the concepts and topics with maximum efficiency is to organise proper revision notes. You must remember to keep your notes in a manageable state so that you donā€™t panic before exams. It is advisable to highlight important keywords to trigger your memory.  

  1. Mind Maps

The human brain is much more precise in retaining a picture or a diagram rather than written content. Therefore, you can condense your notes into catchy flashcards or post-it notes. Apply or use more visual aids in the notes to make them more memorable. 

  1. Short And Simple

As discussed earlier, it is much easier to prepare notes that have prompt answers in them. These notes should look appealing rather than long paragraphs. It is better to summarise long paragraphs into short and simple sentences. One can also use bulletin marks to make their notes much shorter.

  1. Make It Fun

Your revision notes are your personal notes. There are no rules set for it. So donā€™t just limit yourself to black and white. Our mind hates the monotonous processes, so you can add several rainbow shades to make your notes more attractive and fun to read. You can even add or draw a few small creative faces besides certain points to help you trigger crucial points. These will help to give an exciting and positive vibe during revision.

  1. Use Mnemonics

Another aspect of making our revision fun is through the mnemonics. They help you group similar information into one short phrase. They also give us an advantage in revising certain points in numerical format. 

An effortless example that we all have learned throughout our childhood is VIBGYOR, the colours of the rainbow in perfect order.

  1. Power Of Verbal Recitation

In general, revising the notes in your mind has a sleepy effect on oneā€™s mind. In order to make it refreshing, you can recite your notes loudly again and again. The loud reading technique has more grasping power and better retention in your memory.

  1. To-Do List

Before starting the whole process of revision, you can make a list of chapters or topics you want to revise. This helps you to arrange a vast syllabus into small portions. You must remember that this list should not be too long. Prioritise your portions and topics from most important to least important.

  1. Set A Goal

Set an aim of your desired marks or scores. Write it in a flashcard and paste it in front of your mirror, where you can see it every day. Keep one in front of you while revising so as to remind yourself about the target you have set.

  1. Memorise And Practice

Plainly memorizing the notes will not do. One must practice it to an extent where there is no chance to forget or make a mistake at any given point.

  1.  Reward Yourself

You are practising and working hard. Thereā€™s a lot of mental and even physical exhaustion. You can and motivate yourself by treating yourself with a well-deserved break or whichever way you can rejuvenate yourself.

  1.  Power Naps

One cannot afford a long duration of sleep break in a time-restricted schedule. Taking this matter into the account, one can schedule or practise taking small power naps in between the revision. This helps your mind to calm down and relax. It also enhances your memory power. 

You can then start your revision in a fresh state. Remember, that a power nap should not be for more than thirty minutes. It is recommended to take a power nap after complete revision of one topic or concept. 

  1.  Time Management

One must start to revise early as you cannot rush an effective revision. Starting beforehand also gives us enough time to revise difficult concepts again. Determining a set time for a revision schedule helps reduce our anxiety levels before and during our exams.

  1.  Look After Yourself

Your body needs enough nutrients to keep yourself active not only during the revision process but also for your exams. You cannot overexert yourself too much. Avoid having heavy meals at the time of revision. Eat healthy food and take short food breaks as it helps you to remain attentive. 

Mental health is also important. Avoid distracting yourself with unnecessary news or content that has nothing to do with your upcoming exams.

ā€œRevision is its own rewardā€ was rightfully said by Marianne Moore. Make a revision plan that includes all the subjects and areas covered for your upcoming exams. Make sure that the plan you set is ā€˜realisticā€™. Keeping an extremely high expectation will lead to disappointment. 

Analyse your strong and weak areas. Give yourself enough time to revise appropriately as well as enough breaks for relaxation. The revision plan needs to be flexible and adaptable to allow for some things like important or difficult subjects that take longer than expected. Revise subjects and topics that cause you to feel anxious earlier on within the revision exercise.

Following these simple and realistic points, you create a miracle by making your revision time a fun learning process. A calm and eased mind can assist you to achieve your targeted goals for your exams. 

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