Upgrade Your Data Analytic Skills through Data Analytics Certification

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According to Wikibon, the big data market revenue for software and services is predicted to rise from USD 42 billion in 2018 to USD 103 billion by 2027, gaining a CAGR of 1048 percent. The report indicates an increase of 2.1 million job postings in data analytics and data science by the end of 2020.

With more companies becoming data-driven, they have understood the significance of big data. Big data is useful for making informed decisions and is a great source for gaining insights. As data keeps generating so will the demand for big data analytics rise.

Big data analytics is used in aviation route planning to the predictive maintenance analysis in the manufacturing plants. Besides aviation, the retail industry has started using analytics to improve their customer loyalty and tailored unique offerings.

Grow your data analytics career: earn a data analytics certification

Professional data analytics certification is ideal for candidates looking to enter the big data and analytics industry.

In simple terms, an online certification obtained from a credible certification body can increase your likelihood to earn high salary packages and get hired. According to a study by Microsoft, 91 percent of the hiring managers confirmed saying certification plays a significant role during the selection process. As a certified data analytics candidate,you stand a better chance of getting hired as compared to the candidates without certification.

Earning a certification in data analytics is challenging, moreover, there are multiple job opportunities out there and you need to ensure your portfolio stands out among the others.

Once you’ve completed the certification programs, you’re likely to be eligible for job roles such as business intelligence analyst, data visualizer, data analyst, or a data and analytics manager.

  • Business intelligence analyst –a business intelligence analyst survey the market trends by analyzing data to develop a clear scenario about where the current company stands in the market. The core difference between business intelligence analysts and data analysts is that the data analyst majorly focuses on the algorithms to conclude the relationship between the data offering insights. While a data analyst focuses on analyzing data and assessing the requirements from a businessman’s view. 
  • Data visualizer–a data visualizer creates weekly dashboards to keep the management informed about the weekly sales of the company’s products, user behavior, user flow, and orders, etc.
  • Data analyst–a data analyst draws insights from data that directly impact decision making. They’re more involved in the day to day activity along with many ad hoc tasks to complete.
  • Data and analytics manager–someone in this level takes the responsibility of leading the team ensuring the right priorities have been set and followed. The candidate of this level holds strong expertise in a diverse set of technologies like R, SQL, Python, Excel, SAS, along with leadership and social skills.

If you’re planning to start a career in big data, a data analytics certification will help you with multiple options. With the help of this professional certification, you can choose whichever job role is the perfect fit for you.

For instance, if you’ve started your career as a data analyst, you can further switch careers to business analyst, senior business analyst, or operations manager. With a good amount of experience, you may further grow your big data analytics career and opt for job positions like senior operations manager, analytics manager, or lead business analyst.

Not to mention, earning a professional certification makes you eligible across multiple domains like marketplaces, finance, healthcare, entertainment, retail, and e-commerce, etc. there are an abundance of job opportunities for data analysts.

It is time you keep pace with the latest trends to stay employable ready.

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