Untapped Jiocall Features Make It more Reliable for Jio Customers

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We know the most popular 4G network in India is Jio, and have written success story by outranking the biggest brands. A bunch of apps are developed exclusively for their users that are working only when they have come under Jio 4G VoLTE network. Here we are going to review the JioCall app which is the most comprehensive calling application developed by Jio communications Limited.

Jiocall APK have the best features that are frequently adding by the developers to make it more reliable for users. By adding the features, this app became the one of the best voice calling app in the market, saying that exclusively for Jio users.

Extended Features On JioCall

Enabled Video calling features on Jio fixed landline connection:- This feature was added on the JioCall app some months ago, and adding this features the app Jio4GVoice (Earlier) renamed to JioCall app. It is the first time in India that while connecting with a Fixed landline and making video calls that are coming or call from the Fixed landline number.

How Can You Make Video Calls on Your Jio Fixed LandLine Connection?

You must configure the JioCall APK downloaded and installed on your smartphone with the Jio Fixed landline in order to make video calls on Landline. In the Jiocall app, there is fixed profile in the settings section, and there you need to enter the 10 digit fixed landline number to get connected with and making calls. Just select the fixed profile on your app to make and receive calls using the JioCall app on the fixed landline number.

You need not Jio SIM card inserted on the smartphone to make calls.

VoLTE Features adding to 2G/3G smartphones

Do you know Jiocall app have the capability to add the VoLTE features to the low end smartphones such as smartphones featured with 2G and 3G technology. Basically these smartphones are not equipped to make VoLTE or cannot use under 4G network. But here the JioCall app installed on the smartphone and by connecting the JioFi wireless router managed with JioFi Local host, this smartphone can make VoLTE featured.

what you are doing in this scenario is just have the JioFi wireless router which is a portable wifi device where that powers wifi network. You have to insert the Jio SIM on the SIM slot and turn on the device. Just connect the smartphone with the SSID and password of the wifi router. Now you are making calls with JioCall is from the Jio SIM number inserted on the JioFi device and the call is VoLTE RCS rich communication service enabled. Using this features all the users can enjoy high definition video and voice calls on their device.

RCS – Rich Communication Service Oriented

What is RCS? it is rich communication service. From the phrase itself we can understand that the communication using this JioCall app supports various multimedia file formats that makes our conversation much more colorful and meaning. All kind media files, thousands of emojis to express feelings etc are the ley features of RCS enabled JioCall application.

InCall share that values more features

Obviously this is special feature. Have you thought when you are making an urgent call and want to receive the call urgently by the receiver. JioCall app came with the feature that you can notify the urgency of the call. By this features, the receiver can attend the call if they saw it was urgent call.  Also sharing the live location when calling, sending doodle, share images and chats etc are other features available with Jio voice call and video call application.


Here we are in conclusion of this post. JioCall will be the best option for you to make high quality video and voice calls if you are using Jio network. Just use this app interface to make calls rather than the default smartphone dial pad. This app is purely based on the Voice over long term evolution, carrying voice and video calls as internet packs to ensure crystal clear video and voice calls.

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