Unforgettable TV Game Shows That Are Now Live Casino Games


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The development of live play allows online casinos to offer players a more dynamic and authentic experience. Some online casinos even offer live game shows based on successful TV formats. Here is a look at the successful TV game shows that are now available as live casino games.

Wheel of Fortune

One of the best live game shows available online, Wheel of Fortune is a great example of a simple format and long-running show that is easily adaptable for casino play. In the TV game show version, contestants spin a big wheel, which lands on a prize or amount of money. Players win cash and collect prizes if they can correctly guess the letters in a mystery word or phrase and, ultimately, solve the puzzle. In the live online versions based on Wheel of Fortune, the wheel is spun remotely by the hosts, with players able to wager on the outcome.

Deal, or No Deal?

Originating in the Netherlands in 2000, Deal, or No Deal? remains popular worldwide. Instead of questions or quizzes, the format simply requires players to open boxes, which contain different amounts of cash. Players try to eliminate lower amounts of cash, gambling that they have a higher amount in their own unopened box. Additional tension is generated by the character of the Banker, who shows up throughout the game to tempt the contestant into settling for a lower cash offer. Again, this simple premise works well as a live online game, allowing multiple players to participate and featuring hosts who keep the action moving.


While the TV version of Monopoly lasted only a few weeks back in 1990, it has made the list due to its enduring popularity as a board game and its success as an online live game. There are now many versions of the physical dice-based board game, in which players accumulate property and try to bankrupt the other participants. While it may seem like an awkward format for online play, there is a popular live version, which features a big wheel and a 3D Monopoly board, with a host guiding gameplay. Multiple players can wager on the outcome of the spins and also trigger bonus games.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

The general knowledge-based TV game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? launched in the UK in 1998 and is still going strong in several countries. In the TV version, a single contestant answers successively harder questions, choosing from four possible answers. More money is won for each question answered correctly, with the aim of reaching one million. At each stage, players can choose to take the money they have won or answer the next question, with the risk of losing some or all of their winnings if they answer incorrectly. While the live casino version uses the TV show branding, the main gameplay is closer to roulette, with a bonus round shifting the action to a general knowledge quiz.

Along with live online casino table games, such as roulette and blackjack, the introduction of live game shows offers customers another option to play, interact and possibly win money, all in real-time. 

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