Understanding Workers’ Compensation for Repetitive Stress Injuries


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Workers are bound to suffer from repetitive injuries while working at the factory. These injuries include breaking an arm or back pain while carrying a heavy object. They are common injuries and occur anywhere in the workplace. Employees can receive compensation when they suffer from repetitive stress injuries or wounds. They can hire a Hampton Roads work injury lawyer to get the full compensation for stress injuries.

This guide explains everything related to workers’ compensation for repetitive stress injuries.

Meaning of repetitive stress injuries

Different states have different names for repetitive stress injury. While some states call them overuse injuries, some other states call them cumulative trauma. These injuries also include hearing loss due to loud noises.

Symptoms of repetitive stress injuries

These injuries start with symptoms like mild pain and tingling while working. They can become major injuries if the employees aren’t given immediate medical treatment. Other major symptoms of repetitive stress injuries as identified in people are:

  • Loss of elasticity in the body
  • Varying levels of discomfort in the legs or hands
  • Lack of motion in the full body
  • Lack of grip while holding any object or thing in the hand
  • Mild pain or tenderness in the body
  • Loss of energy in the body

Areas of work where repetitive stress injuries are common

Many jobs involve the risk of repetitive stress injuries at the workplace. This is the list of jobs where employees suffer from repetitive stress injury:

  • The typing job on a computer causes mild pain in the fingers or hands
  • Cashiers who have to swipe barcodes for a long day can suffer from these injuries
  • Workers who have to lift heavy objects with heavy equipment, such as jackhammers, can suffer repetitive stress injuries.
  • Nurses, healthcare workers, and medical workers carry heavy objects for the full day. These tasks may cause severe back pain and other injuries.
  • House cleaners have to do repetitive cleaning work at several places every day, which strains their backs and necks.
  • Artists creating paintings and repetitive artworks may experience repetitive stress injuries in the body.
  • Firefighters experience pain in the body because of working in a hectic environment.
  • Musicians and athletes are often seen facing stress injuries at regular intervals because of repetitive work.

Options covered under workers’ compensation

Employees suffering from repetitive stress injuries can ask for workers’ compensation from their employers. They have to prove that the injury was caused while doing their job. Workers’ compensation includes the following options:

Lost wages

Workers suffering from repetitive stress injuries will get 2/3 of their weekly wages when they cannot work.

Medical bills and charges

Workers’ compensation insurance covers all medical bills and the cost of physical and occupational therapies.

Employees must compulsorily follow workers’ compensation guidelines. The employee must inform the employer about the injury on the spot. The employee must also show that the injury was caused while doing a job. Reporting an injury helps to get full compensation.

Options available for employees with repetitive stress injuries

Employees are at risk of suffering from repetitive stress injuries while working at the factory. They can do the following things in the cases of these injuries:

Medical treatment

Any employee who gets a repetitive stress injury must first visit a doctor. The doctor must explain clearly the symptoms that establish a repetitive stress injury.

Hire a workers’ compensation lawyer.

Employees can hire a lawyer if the employers reject or deny their compensation claims.


Repetitive stress injuries are not dangerous at the start but can turn into severe illnesses with time. Employees must take the necessary steps to get full compensation for repetitive stress injuries.


  1. https://resultsyoudeserve.com/practice-areas/workers-compensation/workers-compensation-cover-repetitive-motion-injuries/#:~:text=To%20receive%20repetitive%20motion%20injury,to%20them%20developing%20an%20RSI
  2. https://midamericaortho.com/blog/281-understanding-workers-compensation-for-repetitive-stress-injuries 
  3. https://www.plevinandgallucci.com/work-related-repetitive-stress-injuries/
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