Understanding Crypto Currency And Blockchain Technology


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Are you crazy folks who can invest their life savings in cryptocurrencies? If yes, then you must be aware of the modern crypto trade market, which has taken over almost every other financial segment. Though the concept of Cryptocurrency has successfully played a fame game already, it is still in its budding stage. Unlike the stock market, Bitcoin’s daily transactions only stepped into the world for a decade or so with the commencement of Bitcoins.

The most exciting factor, which is the main reason behind cryptocurrencies’ popularity and solid framework, is Blockchain technology. If you are a newbie in the trade market field of digital currencies, then you can go through the following article to know better. Read on to know more in detail to have an overall better understanding!

Basics of Cryptocurrencies- A Brief Overview

It was just in 2009 when cryptocurrencies first arrived in the market. No, you would be unable to feel or touch them in real life as they are digital or virtual currencies. This is the primary reason people of the 21st century is unable to accept these coins. But almost 90% of the present generation is aware of cryptocurrencies, and 50% of the people are ready to invest in the crypto trade market.

Here are a few facts which you need to know about cryptocurrencies; check out below-

  • Decentralized platform:

Almost all the famous cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin come with the facility of having a decentralized platform. In simple words, you would not have to stand in the long queue of the banks only to deposit or transfer a small amount for hours anymore.

Cryptocurrencies that work on decentralized platforms for transactions do not let any involvement from the centralized or government bodies in the system.

However, for legalizing cryptocurrencies in different nations, various Governments have taken severe measures to get the crypto tender listed in the countries. Such involvements ultimately mix up the decentralized cryptosystem and the centralized bodies.

  • Proof of Stake/Proof of Work:

Every Cryptocurrency works on a specific principle which depends on its working strategies and framework. For example, Bitcoin works on the principle of ‘proof of stake,’ while Ethereum works on the principle of ‘proof of work.’

When people invest in Bitcoins, they need to buy the BTC virtual currencies first using or her fiat currencies in the crypto exchanges. Once you have everything set, you can quickly check out the current value of the particular Cryptocurrency and then invest in them accordingly.

But it is precisely the opposite in the case of Ethereum, as you would have to work and earn the Ether tokens according to your hard work and the amount of time you invest in the trade market for making Ethereum.

If you do not know much about the abovementioned points, you can check out Bitcoin Era.

Apart from the above points, there are many more factors and benefits of cryptocurrencies in the trade market which you will be able to figure out in the long run with good experience. Till then, let’s gather all the necessary information on blockchain technology.

10 Benefits of Blockchain Technology You Didn’t Know About

Blockchain technology is one of the main reasons behind cryptocurrencies being so secure. Giving all the credits to this technology alone would be wrong, as it only achieves the desired result after getting along with cryptographic problems. Blockchain technology, along with cryptographic formula, works on resolving complicated issues that help to mine. Yes, each block of the cryptocurrencies is interlinked with blockchain technology.

  • Blockchain technology brings transparency between Cryptocurrency transactions and the customers using the trading platform.
  • The fun part of blockchain technology is that despite being transparent, it can still stay anonymous simultaneously.
  • The anonymity is a part of the public ledger in which all the transaction details and crypto transfer history gets stored. It cannot be altered at any cost by anyone, not even professional hackers.

Final Words

Considering the mentioned-above points, it can be quite difficult for you to understand that despite being so transparent to the customers, blockchain technology would only present the info in complex code languages, which would not be easy to crack at ease. Ensuring your transaction safety, it also keeps your transactions anonymous simultaneously!

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