Types of SEO Services in Vietnam today

Digital Marketing

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Dịch vụ SEO” is a keyword and a hot industry in Vietnam in the period when Digital Marketing is a trend in the present and the future.

This is a search engine marketing service that helps all businesses reach out to their customers by introducing information about their products and services on their website.

Currently, there are many types of SEO services that provide solutions to a keyword ranking problem, and fix missing problems on the website.

Here is a list of commonly used SEO services today:

Overall SEO Services

This is the main type of SEO that all SEO companies in Vietnam provide. SEO Overall has a long-term strategic plan from 9-12 months, affecting the entire web page in the website, in order to display the maximum number of keywords when users search.

Keyword SEO Services

This is also a popular type of SEO, keyword SEO with the purpose of putting keywords on demand to achieve high rankings on Google. Specifically, including pushing rankings to the top 10, top 5, and top 3 search rankings.

SEO Audit Service

This is a type of SEO with the goal of helping website owners or SEOs who do not have much experience in website development to be able to review the problems and shortcomings in the website and help reorient how SEO works.

SEO audit directs priority to the website, consolidates all off-page activities, ensures technical factors before deploying Offpage campaigns, detailed reports on issues affecting access, indexing, ranking …

SEO consulting service

This is the type of service that SEO experts will advise businesses on SEO strategies or plans suitable for the type of business chosen. Help businesses have a clear direction in developing SEO channels and how to use SEO effectively.

SEO Services Google Map

This is the type of SEO that SEO services help businesses declare and verify their business or office locations show up on search and Google Maps.

The benefit of this service is that it helps businesses to reach customers near the location where they have transaction or purchase points.

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SEO Service Facebook Fanpage

This type of SEO is suitable for online sales pages or businesses that do not have their own website but want to reach customers on search engines.

Youtube Video SEO Services

This type of SEO includes displaying videos introducing the company or its products/services to reach its customers on both YouTube and Google search engines.

Youtube is a very suitable channel for all businesses to promote their business products/services through vivid and visual videos to target customers.

This is the type that is very suitable for Youtubers who want to develop their own channel to be known by more people.

PR post SEO service

This type of SEO carries the concept of “standing on the shoulders of giants”. You take advantage of major websites or newspapers to post articles about your business. And use SEO to promote those PR articles with target keywords.

When this information is accessible to users, it will help your brand gain more trust when mentioned by big websites.

This is a short-term form of SEO and is used to PR a certain campaign that you are aiming for.

Link Building Service

This is a form of off-page SEO service. This service provides quality backlinks from websites with high indexes such as DA, DR or Trust Flow… to promote the keyword ranking of a website, shorten the time a website can reach the top of the industry. search engine.

Link Building service has many types such as: Increase Link Referdomain, Increase website index, Create Socail Profile, Link from Edu – Gov pages……

Google News SEO Services

This is a form of SEO that helps websites to declare their news on Google News so that the latest news from a website can be displayed when users search for the issue that content is aiming for.

This SEO service is suitable for general news websites. Must ensure many factors such as brand, usefulness of content, traffic ….

Onpage SEO service – Optimizing website structure

This is a type of SEO that is optimized by SEO experts with all the most necessary elements to help the website not have any error problems that affect the keyword ranking.

For example, factors such as page load speed, internal linking structure, responsive content, user experience or 404, 301 errors…

SEO Contents – Contents Marketing

This is a form of SEO that provides good content writing for SEO and optimization for increasing on-page conversions.

Currently, in addition to writing good content for SEO, businesses also need combined content to ensure that when users visit the website, they can increase the conversion rate from viewers to direct customers and customers. potential goods.

Therefore, this service is always the form that every business needs.

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