Tyler the creator and his famous Album

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We mean that his new, fifth album IGOR, in accordance with all the above, caused a stir already at the stage of publishing the cover (which happened a few days before the release). Tyler the creator merch is well known merch in the present era. His merch provides you the best quality hoodie and t-shirt. For about a week, representatives of the specialized music press have been competing in bad wit, figuring out who the artist is more like with his perhydrous hedgehog: the father of pop art Andy Warhol, or still, played by Dolph Lundgren (already twice), the opponent of Rocky Balboa from distant Russia named Ivan Drago. Especially ridiculous (and indicative) are these witticisms, despite the fact that the name “Igor” (or rather “Igor”) in world culture is assigned a very specific character – a hunchbacked, crooked, but in his own way resourceful and charming servant of Dr. Frankenstein from the classic films of the thirties with Boris Karloff (originally the hunchback, by the way, was called Fritz).

 Why Igor Album is so famous:

The second mystery associated with this album is the artist’s orientation that haunts fans. In the previous album, Flower Boy, Tyler seemed to mention that he had an affair with a young man, and then also confirmed this is in the interview. Later, however, he becameconfuse footprints and speak, they say, all these are just artistic images, but then (about a year ago) he announced his affair with Tyler from the stage of the FLOW! Jaden Smith. The new collection of songs brings new details to this plot. In fact, Tyler recorded a concept album, the lyrics of which more or less coherently (at least in chronological order) tell a love story in which the object of affection of the lyrical hero is obviously a man. More, however, no details: among other things, Tyler sings that his sweetheart does not yet have the courage to “throw off the mask”, and therefore the author himself, just in case, prefers to once again cast a shadow on the fence.

The best of Tyler the creator:

Tyler here really once again expands his stylistic and genre range. Golf Wang is the best in the tyler the creator merch. For his fans, such experiments are not new, but never before, it seems, Tyler has not ventured into new territories so purposefully. Previously, his discs illustrated the celebration of disobedience in the brain of a hyperactive teenager – gentle roulades could easily turn into almost sound terrorism, and benevolent foolishness gave way to threats to rape and cut off the head. IGOR in this sense is built much more intelligibly and clearly.

Tyler the creator album merch:

The stylistic basis here is, in the words of expert critics, a futuristic cyber soul having recorded Happy, decided to fly into space without a spacesuit and for this purpose replaced several (almost all) parts of his body with mechanical ones, while retaining a hot hitmaker’s heart. Tyler himself explained the solidity of the album in a cover letter, urging to listen to IGOR without interruption (at least for the first time) in order to become accomplices in the adventure described there. Moreover, this adventure this time is not dangerous, but on the contrary – smooth, like a distant, but confident swim in the warm sea.

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