Top visual marketing trends that you need to know in 2021


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Digital marketing is increasing in magnitude day by day making it even more difficult for small businesses to compete in the race. But this is not the only field that has progressed over the years. Artificial intelligence and image processing have also advanced to an unimaginable extent. Some of the basic features that they have innovated are also serving benefits in digital marketing such as photo search etc.

Marketing trends have changed drastically over the past few years. Overall, the world has advanced in various technologies, but marketing is a highly revolutionized area today. There are numerous trends that people are following in 2021 which not only help boost their website traffic but also helps them gain loyal customers. A few such trends are as follows:

  • Audience engagement

People are trying their best to make their audience engage in what they are providing by creating opportunities for them to give their feedback and valuable input. Many pages conduct surveys and questionnaires regarding their services or regarding the interests of their clients. This makes it easier for the management to see what their audience is interested in.

This not only makes it easy for your audience involvement to increase, but it also increases the average time they spend on your platform. SEO considers this aspect in their ranking too, which might help you gain a better rank in searches.

  • Search engine optimization 

People are hiring professionals and consulting professional companies to optimize their business for them. SEO is usually done to increase the ranking of your page according to the standards of the search engine. Google also has its formula to ranks pages according to its SEO. But this formula keeps changing and is always kept secret to avoid low-quality pages from ranking on the top.

Adjust proper keywords and anchor texts to make your content appear relevant in the eyes of SEO. Also, SEO needs user experience and satisfaction as a big percentage. Therefore, make your content attractive and unique and avoid duplication.

  • Visual SEO

SEO in terms of images is also a trending topic these days. People used to consider their images as junk as they play no role in optimization, getting their page no benefit. But with recent developments in image finder tools have been developed to perform reverse picture search which has enabled the image data set to be fruitful by making photo search possible. 

With this tool, people can perform an image search instead of using textual words and phrases to find what they want. It was impossible to find an image that you want as you cannot describe an image in words for the search engine to find.

Image SEO requires your images to be optimized. You can include keywords in tags and titles to make your content discoverable by both textual and photo search algorithms. The picture finder tool uses your image as a graphic and runs a photo search on it. It enlists similar and duplicate images falling on the same visual and textual spectrum, making your page rank better.

  • Google’s answer box

This is one of the new data structuring designs that google has developed that displays the best result on the top of the resulting feed making it visible like an answer to the reader. This is also called a no-click rank because what the reader wants is directly shown without having the need to click the link for it.

The link that is featured in the answer box is usually the top-ranked link which has made its place through SEO on the top. Photo search does not have an answer box, yet it has rankings for the links that can be topped by optimizing your content. 

  • Use social media-friendly content

With the increased usage of social media, you might make up your mind to make your product visible on social media platforms too. this includes advertisements and direct links. Considering links, they appear with a featured image along with them which makes it even more important to use better visuals and graphics for your product so that they can catch the attention of the scrolling person.

Photo search will also be able to find your product image from such platforms and display it, increasing the reach of your platform. For that, you must make sure your images are optimized.


Despite all top trends being related to SEO, there is a huge importance of images these days as visuals are playing a big role in determining the place and ranking of your content and making a difference in shopping by photo search features. Therefore, implement optimized images along with following other trends.

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