Top Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore In 2021

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The sudden outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has given rise to numerous digital marketing trends. Earlier people used to go out, now they can get anything at any time just by one click. It was observed that in 2020, the e-commerce industry has seen a skyrocketed growth. The social media time has increased. And the video conferencing app has established a new space for everyone. 

Regardless of the niche of your business or type of the services and products you deliver, one cannot ignore the increasing digital marketing trends. It is kind of strange that one year back, a company requires only to have one website and one Facebook page. But now, there are ample options available to expand the company’s presence online. 

2020 was quite a dramatic year, where on one side it gave birth to the notorious virus, while on the other side it provoked the online marketing industry to its most active and effective phase. Though people were always optimistic about new trends in 2021. In this article, we will be going through some of those emerging trends you can’t ignore. Meanwhile, keep a check on Digital Marketing Courses in Pune

Artificial Intelligence: A new way to get things done

If you are still unaware, artificial intelligence (AI) has established its dominance around the world. The way it is growing, in the coming future, it will surely sit beneath the heart of business enterprises irrespective of their size, niche, and field of services. It has already started procuring simple jobs. Many people are under a certain dilemma about the high adoption rate of artificial intelligence. 

For example, Microsoft and Uber have started using Knightscope K5 robots to inspect parking lots and large outdoor areas to prevent and predict suspicious deeds. These robots can read license plates, report suspicious activities, and accumulate data to report to their masters. Isn’t it a great initiative? 

These AI robots can be an effective replacement for human beings as they are more economically cheaper than human beings. AI will be able to supplement many other fields and areas. Presently it has implemented in:

  • Product recommendation: Works well to meet the demand
  • Content creation: Capable of producing quality contents on its own
  • Email personalization: As personalization is liked by everyone

Chatbots: Assist you at every nook and corner 

Chatbots are an incredible trend in 2021, they are a bio-product of AI-based technology in which instant messaging is used to chat in real-time irrespective of day or night, chatbots will always there to help the customers with their queries 24/7 by providing them quick responses without being impatient. Chatbots are incorporated by businesses to provide customers with over-the-counter information so that the businesses can focus on their core work. 

Various surveys have been conducted, and the information given below is accumulated from them:

  • Chatbots are empowering business to resolve issues related to customer services 
  • 24 hours service provider (64% effective)
  • Instant responses to queries (55% satisfactory results)
  • Answers to simple questions (55% accurately)
  • Oracle has said that 80% of businesses will use chatbots by 2020

Many customers prefer to chat with chatbots as they respond at a lightning speed, faster than human beings. Chatbots have started being used in various companies such as Amazon (Amazon Echo), Facebook (messaging service), The Wall Street Journal, Pizza Hut, etc.  

Automated Smart Bidding Strategies in Google Ads: Helpful in finding the right way to bid

The level of competition is constantly increasing and getting organic reach is becoming painfully hard. Meanwhile, the smart bidding feature is quite trending these days. With the help of automated smart bidding strategies on Google Ads, the advertisers are handing control to the AI system of Google. By using an AI system, business owners can analyse the competitions and focus on smart bidding strategies. This doesn’t just help the business to accumulate organic traffic but also provides a better return on investment. 

Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) is one of the trending automated smart bidding strategies. It is a conversion-focused bidding strategy that automatically adjusts your manual bid up or down based on each click’s combination which results in a conversion. 

Know more about these revolutionary trends and digital marketing techniques from Digital Marketing Classes in Pune

Personalization: Customer behaviour matters the most 

If you want to stand out above in 2021, personalized marketing is something you should look at. People tend to connect more to those brands and products which are connected with the customers personally. Businesses, these days, can increase their conversion rate through personalized emails, products, services, content, and more. 

The more the business has personalized services the more it will attract the audience. A recent study has found that: 

  • Consumers are frustrated due to the generic dealing without personalization 
  • Customers find businesses attractive that uses personalized products and services
  • People find personalization attractive

Big companies like Cadbury and Starbucks are applying the art of personalization to improve their overall customer base and conversion rate.  

Influencer Marketing: People tend to go by the influence 

The increment of apps like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter has given birth to numerous influencers. In this type of marketing, businesses use key influencers to endorse their products and brand online. Influencers are people who are famous on social media platforms. They may be celebrities, high profile people in their respective fields, or some normal person who has grown his followers by influencing them. 

Recent studies have shown that 63% of consumers trust influencer’s opinions for products more than any other person. In the past six months, 58% of people have bought products that were endorsed by influencers. Influencer marketing is not just a trend but also a way to accumulate a high rate of return on investment.

Visual Search: A new way to find products and services online 

Visual search is trending because it has provided people with the completely latest online search experience. People need to click a picture of the product they want and upload the picture to conduct the search which provides more specific and relevant results.

Here are some famous platforms which are using visual search option:

  • Google lens: It is a product by Google which contains a visual search system. It is capable of recognizing products and landmarks through images clicked by its inbuilt camera function.
  • Pinterest lens: Pinterest offers an inbuilt lens by which you can click pictures of the products and know about the places from where you can buy them. The top visual search categories include outfits, products, fashion, art, food, etc. 

Digital marketing is a field of optimum opportunities and revolutionary trends. In 2021, we have observed numerous big and small trends. Some trends are derived from sheer technology so the others are incorporated from emotional and influential customer behaviours. 

Although the core concept of digital marketing is not changing that extensively but the reality is that strategies evolving customers’ preferences are changing. 

The most important part of any digital marketing trend is to test things out. 

The trend keeps on fluctuating. Sometimes it goes up and sometimes down. But one thing that remains constant is the change. That’s how things work in digital marketing. To know more about digital marketing, you can simply opt for Digital Marketing Training in Pune On this note, let’s conclude this article here. I hope you have got some valuable understanding of important digital marketing trends which are growing exponentially high in 2021. Till then keep improving and understanding more about new trends and techniques. 

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