Top Covid19 Vaccine Questions


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If you are reading this article, then it means that you lucky enough to survive 2020. For many 2020, is considered the worst year in the past decade. All of these sentiments come from the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. During this article’s writing, it is March 2, 2021, the corona virus-positive around the world tally at 115,281,837 with a death total of 2,559,222. The good news is that they are 91,093,249 people who have recovered from the disease. 

During the initial stages of the coronavirus pandemic, many governments did not take the threat seriously. The WHO, in March 2020, categorized coronavirus as a world health pandemic. There was a significant death toll of people in the initial months, with Italy and New York being hit the hardest. Some people believed and spread rumors that the virus was engineered in Chinese labs during the initial months. On the other hand, the religious people believed that it was the end times and God had come to wipe off the human race and take his faithful servants. However, we now know all of these are rumors and have no basis for the pandemic. During the initial months, all frontend workers such as Internal Medicine doctors, ENT doctors, and psychiatrists were doing their best to help people’s recovery; the virus has not spared their lives. Several Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT Doctor, and psychiatrists have died from the virus. 

According to the history books, the last global pandemic that hit the world was the Spanish flu in 1920. According to historical records, the Spanish flu killed 50 million people. The number is expected to be high as some deaths went unrecorded. We do hope the death fatalities do not reach the Spanish flu deaths during the writing of this article.

While the number of infection cases is expected to increase and more people die from the virus, there is hope. The human race can rejoice because of the development of a vaccine. As most governments were forced to lockdown their countries, they also millions, if not billions of dollars, into companies spearheading the coronavirus vaccine’s development. 

The excellent news occurred when Pfizer declared that they were able to produce a coronavirus vaccine. On December 8, 2020, a UK grandmother became the first person to be given the coronavirus vaccine. The coronavirus’s issuance comes with a list of priorities, with the older adults are given the vaccine with medical workers such as General Practitioner Doctors, Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors, and psychiatrists. With the development and issuance of the coronavirus, there are myriad questions. Questions such as what are coronavirus vaccines? Will it lead to death? Should one vaccinate or not? If you have similar questions, then stick around as our team of Internal Medicine doctors, ENT doctors, and psychiatrists will try their best to answer them.

                    How does the COVID-19 vaccine work?

Ask any General Practitioner Doctors, Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors, or psychiatrists what they have heard from the patients about coronavirus vaccines. You will be shocked by the number of misleading information about the working of the coronavirus. So how does the COVID19 vaccine work?

For our team of General Practitioner Doctors, Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors and psychiatrist to fully answer the questions, you need to understand the body’s working. With the guidance of an Internal Medicine Doctor, when a foreign body is introduced into the body, the body’s immune system responds by producing anti-bodies to fight foreign material.

The same case applies to the working of the COVID-19 vaccine.  The COVID-19 vaccine is a string of weak COVID viruses. When introduced into the body, the body’s immune system responds by producing anti-bodies to attack the virus. As before, most of us did not have the anti-bodies to fight the virus; with the COVID-19 vaccine, the body develops the anti-bodies to fight the virus.

For a vaccine to be successful in the body, it should be administered periodically. The period of administration is essential in case you wish to unlock the full potential of the vaccine. For the coronavirus to be effective, it should be stored in ultracold temperatures. Only AstraZeneca is the only coronavirus that can work in average temperatures.

Does the coronavirus vaccine help to reduce the spread of the disease?

From our medical team of General Practitioner Doctors, Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors and psychiatrist, the short answer is yes. During this article’s writing, Israel has administered the Pfizer vaccine to the 33% of its population. According to the findings from Israel’s mass vaccination, the coronavirus has helped reduce the asymptomatic transmission by a range of 60% to 80%. Similar results have been shown by Moderna and AstraZeneca.

Should one take the COVID-19 vaccine?

From our medical team of Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors and psychiatrists, the short answer is yes. If the opportunity avails itself, you should not waste any time; get vaccinated. Currently, governments are focusing on the vaccination with high-risk individuals such as Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors, and psychiatrists, who are frontend health workers.

It is important to note that some countries and nations will require you to take the COVID-19 vaccine in the coming months.

Will the coronavirus vaccine be effective in reducing the spread of the virus?

Most Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors, and psychiatrists believe that the coronavirus vaccine will be useful in curbing the spread of the virus. When administered, the coronavirus vaccine has helped to curb the infection rates of the disease.  As frontend workers such as Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors, and psychiatrists are being administered with the coronavirus vaccine, there has been low death of the front end workers.

However, it is not currently known if the coronavirus vaccine is safe for children younger than 16 years. During the development and testing of the coronavirus vaccine, the tests were conducted by individuals above 16 years. If the coronavirus vaccine is to be effective in the long run, there has to be a significant reduction in asymptomatic transmissions.


The Spanish flu broke in 1920, and from historical records, it killed 50 million people. It only lasted for two years after people started abiding by the disease’s health protocols and vaccination. In the case of COVID19, the death toll stands at 2,559,222 one year after the first case was reported.

According to our team of Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT Doctor, and psychiatrist, if everyone falls the WHO’s protocols and there is mass vaccination of people, then by the end of the year, COVID19 pandemic should be under control if not completely dismantled. It is upon us to take the COVID 19 vaccine and the various health protocols placed by the WHO and CDC. To fight the control the spread of the virus, some airlines are requesting passengers to get COVID19 vaccines before booking any flight. However, from our Internal Medicine Doctors’ desk, ENT Doctor and psychiatrist team prepare for a bumpy year.

Upon reading the article, do you have more questions relating to the COVID19 vaccine? In case you have any questions about COVID19 or COVID19 vaccine, feel free to ask us. Our team of Internal Medicine Doctors, ENT doctors and psychiatrists is always willing to help our readers. 

From our desk, stay safe, keep social distance, wash your hands with running water, and get vaccinated if the opportunity presents itself.

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