Top 5 Tips For Your Birthday Fireworks Display

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Want to do something a little different for yours or a loved one’s birthday this year? A birthday firework display could be the ideal solution! Celebrate with a true bang as you light up the sky with an array of colours, sparkles and sounds. Here, we’ve put together 5 top tips on how to prepare for your birthday fireworks display. 

Choose The Firework Type Carefully

With a huge number of fireworks for sale UK available on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start! While you may be focused on colour and on noise, knowing exactly how the firework will look once it’s exploded alongside all of the safety measures needed for the size and scale of the firework is important. Whether you’re looking for cracking candles, fanned cakes and barrages or glittering willow rockets, knowing the shape, size, and sound of your fireworks display (and how suited that is to your event and social gathering) will help to make your fireworks display a success. 

Keep It Personalised 

Does the birthday boy / girl have a favourite colour that they love? Let them show this off to the whole neighbourhood with a themed fireworks display, with all of their favourite colours and shapes available in the form of a special fireworks display. There’s no better way to show off their style to the whole area. 

Give People Notice

If you’re carrying out a birthday fireworks display in your back garden or where you have neighbours nearby, then it’s always courteous to give them notice of the event. This is particularly important for those who are elderly or have children or pets. If there are children coming to the event, then you may want to prepare noise-reducing headphones to help protect their hearing.  

Make Sure There’s Adequate Lighting 

Having adequate lighting may seem like the reverse of what you should do during a fireworks display, as you want to get the best effect of the bright fireworks against a pitch-black sky. While this is important, having adequate lighting can simply help with health and safety, guiding people to the event while also making sure that the person setting off the fireworks has enough light to be able to see what they’re doing. You don’t need big spotlights though – having a trail of electric tealights or dim LEDs will certainly do the trick!  

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare 

Making sure that you are properly prepared can help to improve the all-round safety of the event. Having a clearance distance of a minimum of five metres (although the more this is the better, depending on how big the fireworks are going to be!), and having a clear marking of where your spectators will stand to watch the display will help to make sure everyone has a good time with no concerns for safety. Alongside the clearance space, you’re going to want to have a fallout space. Making sure you know what way the wind is blowing before you light the fireworks (if it’s towards your guests then the clearance space should definitely be a little bigger) and having buckets of water and first-aid kit can help to ensure you are fully prepared. 

Fireworks will come with instructions for each box that you have, so make sure to read these carefully as each type of firework is very different. If any of your fireworks do not go off as intended, then ensure that you leave it alone for a period of around 15-20 minutes, douse it in water and then leave it until the next morning at which point you can ask for advice on proper disposal. 

A firework display for your birthday can be a spectacular event, whether it’s in your back garden or it’s a bigger social event. Keeping safety at the forefront can help to keep your guests safe and secure and keep the fun going on!

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