Top 5 Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Home Decor

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Cleaning the kitchen should be a routine task for you. Keeping the kitchen space as clean as possible should always be a priority since it’s where we prepare food and take care of our health. We all have our ways how we go about cleaning every room in the house, but it’s never too late to change some things up and make cleaning days more quick and efficient. We will give you  5 top kitchen cleaning tips to help. If you need commercial hood cleaning or kitchen exhaust cleaner services, then must visit

Clean up stubborn grease stains

Kitchens appliances can get greasy very quickly, and if you don’t clean them up right away, grease can accumulate and become very difficult to remove. There are several natural mixtures you can make to remove stubborn grease. One mixture is baking soda, lemon or vinegar, and dish soap. This mixture will break up the grease and make it very easy to remove. Mix everything and spread around the oven, on the stove, and even on the tiles on the floor and walls. Let the mixture sit for at least 15 minutes. Wipe it down with a sponge and warm water and the area will be squeaky clean.

Use lemon for cleaning

Lemons are acidic fruit, which means they can get rid of bacteria and break up grease and other stains. There are many uses for lemons in your kitchen. To clean your microwave, use a microwave-safe bowl and place water and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. Microwave the mixture for a couple of minutes. The lemon steam will break up the grease and you will just need to wipe the inside of the microwave.  You can clean the cutting boards with lemon too. Sprinkle salt on the cutting board and scrub it with a half of lemon. Your cutting board will smell and look fresh and clean.

Organize your pantry and fridge

It can be very annoying when you can’t find what you need in your pantry or fridge, or when food expires because you didn’t notice it. Go through your fridge and pantry to see what you have. Throw away expired or bad items. Next, organize your fridge by types of food you have – fruits, vegetables, cooked food, sauces, etc. This way you will know where to put your next shopping, and you will never forget what you have. The same goes for the pantry. Organize the shelves by types of food and display them to always see what’s available. For bulk items, use clear jars or containers with labels.

Ask for help

You don’t need to be the only one taking care of and cleaning the kitchen. If you live with your family or have roommates, delegate the task, or create a schedule for every household member. You can all clean one day with tasks for every person, or just one person can clean the whole kitchen but on different days. Set up a clear schedule in a visible spot so it’s not easy to forget whose turn is to clean the kitchen that day. This goes for the rest of the rooms too. If you need a thorough cleaning, or you are too busy for regular cleaning, you can look up local house cleaning prices from different services, for regular or one-off cleaning.

Clean up forgotten places in the kitchen

There are probably many spots in your kitchen that don’t get cleaned regularly. Forgotten items can be a toaster – clean the bottom from crumbs; rarely used appliances – slow cooker, waffle iron, etc; kitchen curtains – the steam and grease easily makes them dirty so wash them asap; hood above the stove – it’s hard to reach, but it’s probably full of grease and dust; sink drain – lots of food goes down the drain, so it’s a good idea to get into the habit of cleaning it to prevent clogging.

Cleaning the kitchen can be a lot of work. If you clean it regularly and on the go, it’s easy to take care of it and not let it get extremely dirty. Use these cleaning tips for the ultimate clean kitchen.

Author bio:Ayla Anderson is an avid reader and an enthusiastic blogger who writes articles on home improvement, business, Family and beauty. She is also an MBA student who spends much of her time giving advice to newly small businesses on how to grow their businesses. You can follow me on Twitter.

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