Top 5 Best WoW Potions and Flasks


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When it comes to each and every game, they have their own special game mechanics that players have to master. More often, developers know how to input some game mechanics that seem just too boring to comprehend, or too vulnerable and unusable. This can be seen in a lot of RPG games that have implemented potions to help out players in the game. Not in World of Warcraft though, as potions and flasks represent a major turn point in the game to win a raid or a battle. One such raid as of lately is the Sepulcher of the First Ones Heroic boost.

Because WoW implemented potions and flasks really cleverly, they typically can be the most important part of a battle. So now, being in the World of Warcraft spirit, we will take a look at the top 5 best WoW potions and flasks that the game has given us!

5. Major Troll’s Blood Potion

The first potion we are going to take a look at is Major Troll’s Blood Potion. This potion comes from one of the earlier potions a player can get from earlier gameplay. Why it is better lies in the fact that it regenerates health at a faster pace. When you are adventuring for longer periods of time, you want to have Major Troll’s Blood Potion, which regenerates 20 health every 5 seconds for 1 hour. For Major Troll’s Blood Potion to be used requires for the player to be at least level 53, sitting at an ilevel of 58.

Although this potion can be made by alchemists, its recipe is only obtainable from the Zandalari Trolls with a reputation level of Honored.

4. Flask of Distilled Wisdom

Are you a healer or a mage? Then Flask of Distilled Wisdom is for you! If you are suffering with mana regen, Flask of Distilled Wisdom will be very effective for you. This flask will increase your max mana by 2000 for 2 hours. But do note that only one flask can be active at a time. Flask of Distilled Wisdom’s effect will also continue even if you die. This flask sits at an ilevel of 60, and the required character level is at least level 50.

Alchemists can make this flask, and the recipe for it can be gotten through fighting Balnazaar in the Living side of Stratholme. If you are up for an adventure, getting this recipe in your inventory will totally be worth it!

3. Greater Protection Potions

Now, this may not be a specific potion, but a group of rare potions powerful enough to find themselves on this list. The Greater Protection potions come in a lot of varieties, such as the Greater Arcane Protection Potion, Greater Fire Protection Potion, Greater Shadow Protection Potion, etc. If you need some kind of protection for a specific raid or battle, then getting yourself a Greater Protection Potion will help out tremendously.

Most probably all the Greater Protection Potions follow the same character level requirement of 48. Their recipes can be gotten through wild drops, for example, the Greater Arcane Potion is a drop from Cobalt Mageweaver at Winterspring, the Greater Nature Protection Potion can drop from Decaying Horrors and Rotting Behemoths in the Western Plaguelands, etc. The character required level is 48, with the potions sitting at ilevel of 58.

2. Greater Arcane Elixir

While we are on the theme of greater potions, we have to take a look at the Greater Arcane Elixir. Although the reagents are easy to get, if you are a hardcore WoW Classic player, this potion will prove to be one of the hardest potions to get. This is mostly due to the fact that the recipe used to be a World Drop, but after the release of Patch 2 it was made to be trainable at the character’s Master Alchemy Trainer.

The Greater Arcane Elixir is a good addition to mages, as it gives bonus spell damage up to 35 for 1 hour, and it can be made by alchemists. Sitting at an ilevel of 57, it is required that your character is at least level 47 to use the Greater Arcane Elixir.

1. Mageblood Potion

A potion with a fairly easy recipe to get that provides good value, now that’s a good catch! The Mageblood Potion regenerates 12 mana every 5 seconds for 1 hour. Meaning that if you are struggling with mana regeneration, this potion will help you out tremendously! The required character level for the Mageblood Potion is level 40, with an ilevel of 50. One thing to take note of is that the Mageblood Potion is classified as a Guardian Elixir, meaning that it won’t stack with flasks or other guardian elixirs.

Alchemists can create this potion, and the recipe for it can be obtained by buying from Rin’wosho the Trader on Yojamba Isle in Strangelthorn Vale. You must have a reputation of Revered with the Zandal Tribe to buy the Mageblood Potion though.

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