To the Moving Van or the Dumpster? How to Declutter and Downsize

Home Decor

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Are you planning a move?

According to a recent poll, 20% more Americans are planning to move in 2021 than did in 2020. And, if you’re a part of that statistic, you’ll likely need to declutter and downsize before the big day comes! Otherwise, you could end up paying a premium – to relocate a bunch of junk.

Sound familiar? If so, this is your article! Keep reading for all our top tips on trimming back – before it’s too late.

Set Realistic Goals

If you only remember one of our decluttering and downsizing tips, make it this one!

No matter how much clutter you have to work through, setting a specific amount of time and space per session is critical. This will help you stay focused and avoid burnout. It will also ensure that you’re objective while sorting, and not on autopilot.

Start with some of the home’s easier areas before moving to more challenging rooms.

Your Sorting System

If you’re wondering how to downsize and declutter, it’s probably because you form a sentimental attachment to physical objects. If left unchecked, this can become a serious issue, even developing into hoarding disorder.

Start by designating essential items – ones that you can’t live without. Pack these first or put them off to the side.

Everything else can be sorted into trash or storage. But, if you’re having a hard time kicking the clutter, get a second person to look over the items you’re planning to store. There’s a good chance some of them will actually be unnecessary.

Just Say No

There’s a good chance that many of your trash or storage items will work their way back into your “essentials” pile. But, if you’re reading a guide to downsizing and decluttering it’s probably because you need help saying no to these pointless personal belongings.

Stay strong and resolute, leaving behind any object that you aren’t using regularly! Remember, the whole point is to leave your current home with only what you absolutely need, for a clutter-free fresh start in your new house.

The Purge

The last step in how to declutter and downsize your home is actually getting rid of the unwanted items that you’ve uncovered.

Some of these objects will likely be suitable for reuse – these can be given to friends and family or a charity shop. But, others should head straight for the landfill, and that’s where professional rubbish removal services come into play.

These companies will round up all the trash from inside, or collect it at the curb. Then, take it away for safe disposal.

This will leave you with a smaller moving bill, fewer boxes to carry, and a beautiful clutter-free home once your move is complete!

Don’t Wait to Declutter and Downsize

Now that you’re armed with a few of our top strategies to declutter and downsize, you’re ready to make a change. That’s awesome! Reading this article could turn out to save you a ton of time, stress, and even money.

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