Tips On Saving Money And Energy At Home

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With the cost of living continuing to climb, we all need to find ways to save money. One of the easiest is reducing the amount of energy you use. This will save you money on the costs to run the power that is so important to you. 

Overall, these two things go hand in hand, so if you conserve energy, you save money. Plus, you leave a smaller footprint on the environment around you, so it is a three-way win. Let’s jump right in and see how easy it is to accomplish this task.

Free Ways To Save

The best ways to save on your power bill are the things that you can do for free. This list is where you should start and then go from there.

  • Hot Water Heater– Turn the temperature setting on the hot water down to 50 degrees Celsius.
  • Laundry – Turn the temperature controls to cold water on every wash stage.
  • Shower – Take shorter showers with cooler water.
  • Thermostat – Turn the heat down and the air conditioning up. Even one degree makes a big difference.
  • Lights – When you leave the room, turn the light off. When you go for the day, turn them all off. When sleeping, turn them off. Basically, when not in use, turn the lights off.
  • Windows – Close the curtains and blinds to keep heat and cool air in, or open them up to let the sun help warm the room.
  • Candles – Turn the lights off at night and use candles. 
  • Compare – Go online and compare electricity plans to see if you are getting the best deal for your money. If not, it is time to change service providers.

Small Cost to Save

Some of the most straightforward changes you can make will cost you a small amount out of your pocket, but it will be an excellent investment in the long run. Try to complete as many as you can.

  • Light Bulbs – Replace all your indoor lights with energy-saving styles.
  • Outdoor Lights – Convert your outdoor security lights to ones that run off solar power.
  • Smart Thermostat – Install a smart thermostat that allows you to program it, and control it from an app on your mobile device.
  • Smart Power Strips – Every plug-in with something in it should go through a smart power strip. They will turn off what you are not using while leaving things on that need to run all the time, like your refrigerator.
  • Seals – Replace the seals in your fridge and deep freezer to reduce the amount of escaping cold air.
  • Doors – Replace the weather stripping and fill the cracks around the frame with spray foam.

More Investment To Save

If you are planning on renovating your house any time soon, or if you simply want to do everything possible to save on your energy consumption, you can put some money into a few things that will make a significant difference.

  • Windows – Replace the old windows with ones designed for top energy efficiency.
  • Appliances – Take the time to go through your house and replace all your old appliances with ones with the energy star symbol.
  • Insulation – Add insulation to your attic, crawl spaces, and outer walls. 
  • HVAC – Change your filters at least once a year, and have all your ducts cleaned and checked for leaks. If you have a small problem, fix it before it becomes significant.


You can see that there are several ways that you can save money and energy. Some of them are simple little lifestyle changes that remove the bad habits that all of us are guilty of. Others may cost you a little bit of your hard-earned money, but considering the great return on your investment, it makes handing over the cash much more effortless. 

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