Tips for Travelling with a Toddler


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Travelling with a toddler comes with anticipation and excitement. It can be easily overwhelming to be stressed out by the idea of carrying your toddler when travelling, which is why travel insurance can prove beneficial to experience a risk-free overseas trip. 

The following article discusses the different tips that can benefit you when travelling with your toddler.

6 Essential Tips for Travelling with a Toddler

1. Pack Necessary Things Only

Start with packing light for the trip. Although you might find it necessary to bring extra items to keep your toddler content during the flight, try to avoid overloading your luggage. Packing all your items in a single suitcase will free your other hand to guide your toddler through the airport. 

2. Opt for Travel Insurance for Children

Your toddler can suddenly fall ill when exposed to a new environment, and it can be challenging to manage their health while travelling. Moreover, it can be expensive to afford medical treatment in a different country for your little one. With international travel insurance, it is possible to protect yourself from this exorbitant expense and take advantage of this plan during times of need.

3. Be Mindful of the Destination You Select

Make sure that the destination you select for your vacation has several kid-friendly activities for your child to enjoy. Choosing age-appropriate locations is the key to having the most relaxing and enjoyable time during your vacation. 

4. Book Flights with Early Departures

One of the tips for flying with a toddler is to book a flight that departs early in the day. Early morning flights are generally less crowded, and long journeys can make your child want to take a nap. It is best to find a flight that takes off around your toddler’s nap time so that both your child and you can have a relaxing time on the flight. 

5. Keep the Hygiene Essentials Handy

Your toddler travel essentials list is incomplete if you do not have extra diapers and wet tissues for emergency situations during travel. Additionally, keep a change of outfits for both your toddler and yourself in case there is a spill. Also, try to change your toddler at the airport instead of the flight, as the space inside the aeroplane toilet is cramped and can be a challenging task to perform. 

6. Miscellaneous Tips

  • Keep your toddler warm – Carry blankets to keep your toddler warm, and add layers of clothing, which you can remove if the temperature rises. 
  • Carry your toddler’s favourite toy – Your toddler will definitely have a special toy that they carry along all day long. Even though you should pack light, do not forget to carry this favourite toy along with you on the trip. 
  • Travel with a baby carrier or stroller – It can get tiring to keep an eye on your toddler all the time. A baby carrier or stroller can prove helpful when covering long distances with your toddler. 


With these travelling with a toddler tips you can be better prepared for enjoying a calm and relaxing vacation with your family. Keep a check on your toddler and do not let them out of your sight when in public places. Also, ensure that you carry their favourite snacks when travelling, as kids can get cranky when hungry.

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