Tips for Laravel Performance Optimization To Benefit Businesses

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Laravel has evolved a lot ever since its advent in 2011. Developers today deem it to be the best PHP web application for small to large scale businesses. You can create complex to simple web applications for any business with this single PHP development platform. The web application can be built quickly from the architecture and collection of libraries this framework offers you. It gives you top-quality codes and a unique structure to boost the growth of any business with success. 

PHP Laravel Web Application and its value to modern businesses today 

Using the Laravel framework, every business can proceed with a web application- 

· Improve the overall user experience. 

· Retain customers.

· Boost lead conversions and sales.

However, if you are a business owner and wish to wield the Laravel platform’s power for building custom web apps, you must hire an experienced developer skilled in the field. The right developer will know about the tweaks to use so that the framework can be correctly optimized for incredible speed and performance. 

An Overview of the Laravel Website optimization techniques for faster speed 

Laravel has revolutionized the PHP eco-system drastically ever since its arrival. Both new and experienced developers are using it to a large extent for web app development. If you examine the website of Laravel, you will discover it offers you valuable tools for rapid business growth and development. It has high demands in the market these days and web app developers use it abundantly without hassles. Laravel does make the task of web app development simple for them. PHP would have long disappeared from the market in the absence of Laravel. 

Though Laravel has outstanding features, it has one downside- it is not fast enough. This is where the developer needs to step in to boost its speed with proper optimization techniques. There are several Laravel performance optimization tips; however, the following are the top 10 embraced by developers today-

1. Boost the Artisan Commands- Laravel comes equipped with a helpful tool called Artisan Command. This tool boosts performance and comes in handy when the developer builds several configurations and routes. Laravel can be made faster if loading is done from the cache over the object. However, if any changes are created, the command needs to be re-run again. 

2. Remove the services not required- Disable the services in the configuration file that you do not use in the framework. This makes Laravel faster. 

3. Deploy the JIT Compiler- Computers cannot comprehend the PHP framework natively. It is here that a JIT compiler will help them. The speed of the web app is boosted when you use the JIT compiler like HHVM. 

4. Eager loading of the data- Laravel deploys the Eloquent ORM to map object models to all the database tables that support it. It manages the database interactions that are needed for creation, retrieval, updates, and deletion tasks. 

5. Reduce the use of Laravel Plugins- Laravel Plugins boost the web app; however, they do slow it down. When you install a plugin, you need to load a lot of files and libraries. You need to check the providers you load through the app or the configuration files. Reduce the ones that are not required. 

6. Profiling queries- Install the profiling package if you want to check what is going on behind the scenes with your question on any Eloquent object. With this, you can detect bottlenecks in the code when you are working with jams on your code. 

7. Combine Minify, CSS, and JavaScript- This combination helps the developer to lower requests from the site. For instance, if there are about 20 CSS files in the layout, you can combine them into a single file. 

8. Use Caching- It is prudent to cache everything as this will help you accelerate the site. However, model caching needs PHP 7.1, and if the site is in the status of static content, full cache response.

9. Deploy New Relic- This is a fantastic tool that gives you deep insight into how your Laravel App performs. 

10. Precompile all assets- Keep all your configuration files and routes in different files. This helps you in effective code maintenance. However, this is not essential for production. 

Laravel Applications and Autoloading

An experienced Laravel developer will always optimize the Autoloader, a relatively new feature inside the PHP framework. This helps the developer in high-production deployments. Laravel has a single command for the task to install and optimize the Autoloader. This results in good performance.

An Insight into the four types of Laravel Performance Optimization for the ultimate performance- 

Besides the above, there are other levels of Laravel optimization to help businesses. Experienced Laravel developers believe that proper optimization for the Laravel web application can be carried out at four unique levels. They are –

1. Language Levels- Here, you deploy the language in its faster versions. Do not use specific language features and styles of coding that slows down the app.

2. Framework Levels- They are the points that have already been listed above.

3. Infrastructure levels- You need to resort to the database’s tuning, the webserver, and the process manager for PHP and more.

4. Hardware levels- Here, you need to migrate to a faster, better, and stronger hosting provider for hardware.

The Laravel development company you choose for the task should have proven track records in the industry you belong to. Ensure the developers have worked in Laravel frameworks before in the industry you do business in. In this way, you will get a top-quality web app that boosts your company growth and user satisfaction. 

The target of every Laravel developer is to deliver:

· Performance optimization. 

· Giving importance to the tasks that need to be done based on priority. 

PHP Laravel Web Application helps businesses to build desirable high -performance web apps. A boring app will fall flat on its face. Companies will suffer immensely, and users might land up angry and frustrated in the process too. 

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