Tips For Growing a Thicker Beard


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A thicker beard is what many people want to add to their grace and make their faces even more attractive. Even Beard Growth Kit are available in market for those who want it like crazy. Click here for High-quality beard trimmers for men.

Here are some tips for you, if you too belong to that group of people:

  1. Take Supplements: One of many options is to take a biotin supplement daily as it will be helpful in faster hair growth and can potentially stimulate regrowth for lost hairs. Even it is medically proven that biotin imparts your hair much strength through the keratin infrastructure of your hairs. Fortifying the hair, helps your beard grow thick uniformly. Biotin is easily available from medical stores.  
  2. Let It Grow: Sometimes, it is better to let the thing go unattended, allowing them to go through normal natural processes and attain strength. Maybe you have to suffer through some awkward beard growing phases to fill in the patchy spots. Don’t worry, even if it’s not quite curly enough to fill in the patchy spots by simply swirling over them. Let it all grow out to its full length and eventually, it will start to cover these spots. It’s better to let it grow without trimming on the cheeks and under the chin for a minimum of a month. Nourish it with the best beard oil daily encouraging softness and movements. Don’t forget to brush your beard daily.
  3. Dye It: This one is also working. A person having brown hair but part of his beard is translucent blond. So, when you try to match the two different shades, but surprisingly, it more than triples the density of the beard. This tip might not equally work for those who don’t have a mixed color in their beard. 
  4. Be Healthy: ­­­Beard, just like other hairs, need vitamins and other nutrients. It’s better to maintain good physical health to have a healthy and thick beard. To improve your health, eat healthy, exercise daily, and drink plenty of water, and must take eight hours of sleep every night. Hair is made of proteins, so it is also a good idea to have protein in your diet. If your body is hydrated, it will result in a softer beard. If you have rested, you are physically stronger, including your hair health. Working out increases your blood circulation, in return, stimulating hair growth. And if you overcome your stress, it is less likely to have imbalanced hormones compromising your hair growth. These all points will help you have a natural, more stylized, relaxed, and thicker hair growth.
  5. Get a Beard Transplant: So here is another option. Beard transplant is also a reality nowadays. A doctor can successfully pluck few stacks of your hair from the back of your scalp and then transplant them onto the patchy spots of the beard. After the required number of grafts that may reach up to many thousand, the hair falls out after two weeks and then regrow after a couple of months. Thus, it takes longer periods to show you the results.                                              
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