This website will self-destruct’.com: The Website you can share your thoughts with that disappears permanently

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You all know that feeling alone and tired has become a common thing in this 21st century, and it is not easy to share your personal feelings with anyone. But what if you find a website where you can pour your secret thoughts, and this is ready to be read by strangers who will never meet you? This Website will self-destruct is a website where you can type your personal feelings, and it will be available for 24 hours on the site. If, no stranger posts a message on your status at ThisWebsitewillselfdestruct, within 24 hours. Then the site will destroy itself. It will also clear itself from the internet automatically. You know what? This Website will self-destruct launched in April 2020. And it received around 2,00,000 genuine messages within one year.

How did this self-destruct website work as the pandemic saviour?

The self-destruct website: ThisWebsitewillselfdestruct launched in April 2020 and coincided with the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. This is an online place where anyone can share their feelings anonymously. The self-destruct website was was a good experiment during the COVID-19 situation.

Visitors from any part of this world can read the messages left by unknown users, which are very personal. A lot of users discuss their personal lives, crushes, hidden sexualities or express how they are feeling at their current moment. Below-given are some of the messages written by some users at This website will self-destruct:

  1. Dear site, I have had a crush on one of my friends for four years, and she is a girl too. I am very well aware that I should not disclose this to her because I do not want to ruin our friendship. After all, she is straight.
  2. Dear site, many times I have felt that I am never enough. This feeling never gets rid of me, and I am tired.
  3. Dear site, I am feeling sad. There are a lot of people sending messages about a thing I made, which is great. Unfortunately, I can not handle all the traffic.
  4. Dear site, To the person who said Speedwagon is the best waifu, if you see this, you are right.

Furthermore, we have understood that for each deep thought, there are lighter messages posted at People share about their crushes, secrets or regular lives. By clicking on the button “read a message”, you can read messages of unknown users and can reply to their messages by clicking on the button “send message”.

Success story:

An interesting fact about this site is that people from all over the world can post their feeling in different languages. The creator of is a girl who got inspired by a game jam to create this site. The name of that girl is FemmeAndroid. FemmeAndroid participated in a game jam where the task was to make a video game from scratch in the given time.

According to FemmeAndroid’s words in one of the posts on her Patreon, she said that the given task was to keep it alive. I made the initial version within four hours, posted it and went to bed. I was hoping it would last long until the end of the judging period.

She found 20 posts when she woke up the next morning. After performing some errands, she found 100 posts. The site blew up suddenly after featuring on the famous subreddit named the “Internet is Beautiful”.

Trolling of This website will self-destruct:

After the unforeseen success of This website will self-destruct, FemmeAndroid also watched some downsides. This online site also invited a large number of trolls by the public. This website will self-destruct is an online site where website where you can type your personal feelings, and it will be available for 24 hours on the site if no stranger posts a message on your status.

FemmeAndroid works all night to moderate the content of her website. FemmeAndroid is a trans woman, and this is also a reason that the site attracted personal abuse towards FemmeAndroid. She transitioned during the COVID-19 pandemic period. And have not come out at work yet.

Despite all of these, Femme has limited her information on the website. And her site receives several transphobic messages also.

Bomb Threat at

One of the messages at was a Reddit post about a bomb threat to a mall. That message was posted by a user in a local American city. People who read the messages were concerned, and Femme recalled the message. Some of the users wrote “calling the local police’, and some wrote the police was investigating.

Femme told the users that “I called the police and explained the complete incident to them”. We had a nice chat, and I provided them with all the available information.

According to the sources, the bomb threat was a hoax. goes viral on TikTok and various other social media platforms. This site continues to share the personal feelings of its users, the message will be available for 24 hours. After that, it will disappear completely without leaving any trace behind it.

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