This Is How to Make Your Breath Smell Better


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Nine out of 10 people with bad breath spend over 72 hours and $400 a year to battle their condition but see little results. 

Bad breath is terrible for your confidence and you may avoid social interactions because of it. Perhaps you’re struggling with this and aren’t sure how to make your breath smell better.

Sounds like you? Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know.

Why We Have Bad Breath

Bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis, originates from our mouth where bacteria tries to thrive. When we eat, food debris gets caught in our teeth and if we don’t remove them then bacteria grows on them and releases sulfur compounds that cause a bad smell. 

The main cause of bad breath is because you’re not brushing and flossing enough and that’s why plaque builds up. But, in rarer cases, the causes of the bad breath comes from other parts of the body like a product of acid reflux, diabetes complications, or renal failure.

How to Fix Bad Breath

You’ve got bad breath symptoms and you have no idea how to make your breath smell better. Before avoiding people forever, try out these tips. For example: 

Limit Your Carb Intake

A quick way to achieve better smelling breath is to cut down on carbs. When you regularly eat fatty foods, your body creates ketones which stay in your stomach and ferments, often creating a foul smell that eventually reaches your mouth. 

So swap out refined carbohydrates for healthy carbs like fruit, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.

Eat Crunchy, Healthy Fruit and Veggies

When you eat foods that are hard and crunchy, it removes debris that’s caught in your teeth. Because of this, you also remove the bacteria that live on old bits of food. This means you must load up on celery, apples, cauliflower, and carrots as they’re great for cleaning between your teeth. 

And don’t forget to eat your greens as they promote an alkaline environment in your mouth which counteracts the acidity behind bad breath.

Stay Hydrated

One of the top bad breath solutions is to drink plenty of water. Dehydration reduces your saliva production which means your saliva, which contains antibacterial properties, can’t keep your mouth healthy. Plus, salvia breaks down and washes away food so nothing remains.

At the minimum, aim for at least eight glasses of water per day. 

Chew on Parsley or Mint Leaves

Although it sounds strange, parsley and mint leave naturally freshen your breath. Store these in a sandwich bag so you can chew them throughout the day. These work wonders because the chlorophyll prevents the creation of sulfur compounds which causes bad breath.

Clean Your Tongue

Bacteria also builds upon our tongue and causes bad breath. To prevent this, invest in a tongue scraper or use a toothbrush to remove grime and prevent plaque formation. It’s wise to clean your tongue in the morning to start the day afresh.

Floss and Brush Daily

When you learn about halitosis treatment, you’ll notice that brushing and flossing twice a day is the bare minimum. 

Brushing your teeth eliminates plaque and bacteria on the chewing surface while flossing removes food that’s lodged in between your teeth. Make sure you floss and brush twice a day using a fluoride tooth for at least two minutes.

Rinse With an Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Alcohol dries out your mouth and results in bacteria growth so swap it for an alcohol-free product. Don’t have any around? Then create your own by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda, a cup of warm water, and peppermint essential oil. 

Note that baking soda is a natural antibacterial and the peppermint freshens your breath, perfect before heading out to work.

Chew Sugarless Gum

If you’re on the go, chew sugarless gum as it produces saliva which flushes away bacteria. Plus, gum picks up any debris left behind. Find a product that contains xylitol as it’s an antibacterial sweetener.

Ditch the Booze

Don’t worry, you don’t have to quit drinking forever but aim to cut down. Alcohol damages your oral microbiome and organisms that are essential to your health. If this is ruined then it’ll dry out your mouth and you’ll get bad breath.

Eat Probiotic Food

Good breath is a direct result of a healthy gut. To ensure this, load up on kimchi, yogurt, and kefir as it produces good bacteria in your stomach, large, and small intestine. And when good bacteria thrives, there’s less room for the bad type to linger and travel up to your mouth.

Try Fennel or Anise Seeds

Since ancient times, people have chewed on fennel or anise seeds to freshen their breath. And in India, people chew on these to cleanse their after-dinner breath. You can either eat them plain, roasted, or sugar coat them if the flavor is too intense.

Don’t Skip Your Dentist Appointments

You must visit your dentist twice a year as they have the tools to deep-clean your mouth and eliminate all bacteria. If you’re struggling with bad breath then talk to your dentist. They may pinpoint a specific reason and suggest products to help you.

That’s How to Make Your Breath Smell Better 

Hopefully, after reading this article, you now know how to make your breath smell better. 

Make sure you brush and floss daily, always attend your dentist appointments, and rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash. You should also load up on crunchy veggies, probiotic-rich foods, and stay hydrated as it’ll flush away bacteria. Good luck!

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