This Is How to Create a Weekly Schedule for You and Your Family

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Every family member has their own things that keep them busy.

Your partner might have long work hours, one of your kids might play volleyball, and the other is in a school play. As for you, you’re juggling freelance work. 

Whatever your situation might be, creating a weekly schedule for your family will help all of you stay organized. It also helps keep your kids organized.

Due to the impact of COVID-19, students may study from home, and you may be working from home yourself. It is all the more important to have a clear schedule that differentiates between your family’s personal schedules so you can all stay productive.

Here’s how to make a weekly schedule for your family. 

Plan Out Your Time

You can begin by planning out your time. Take notice of when you tend to do certain things. Do you work out in the morning, or do you do it after work? 

Think about your personal routine. Perhaps holding a short family meeting to hear from your spouse and kids about their routines would be helpful. It gives them more agency and feedback into developing a family schedule organizer. 

This part of the process is a little bit like brainstorming for a story: you need to start small and work your way up to the actual family schedule itself. 

Create and Try the Weekly Schedule

After getting feedback from your family, you can create a calendar that will serve as your weekly schedule. You don’t even have to spend any money on it. Use a free calendar maker to get you started. 

It’s important to do a trial run of a family schedule. Maybe give it one week, then re-evaluate it yourself and with feedback from your family members. Was it helpful?

Make Some Calendar Edits

Your first draft of your family calendar won’t be perfect. That’s why a trial run is necessary first. 

In your new normal thanks to COVID-19, it’s important to find the right schedule to keep you and your loved ones on track. Being cooped up together isn’t always easy. However, knowing when someone is working on something can help inform family members about when to reach out to one another. 

Remember: The Schedule is Not Dictating Your Life

You can remain flexible. In fact, flexibility is key. This is why making some edits to your weekly schedule isn’t a bad thing. 

Make sure you make time for walks, family bonding time, and even individual relaxation. The world is stressful enough, but staying in sync and respecting each others’ different schedules will help keep you and your family focused. 

You Can Be the Family Schedule Organizer

You’ve got the tools to create a weekly schedule for your family. Remember to brainstorm with their input first, give the new weekly schedule a trial run, and make any necessary edits to it. 

Check out our blog for more ways to create the documents you need!

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