The Ultimate Guide to Buying on e-commerce negotiation marketplace


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When you buy products, what’s the usual course of action?

  • You go to a marketplace.
  • You check the product and its information
  • Ask for the price.
  • Look for the discounts.
  • Purchase one

That was a checklist used by the shoppers a decade back. Fast forward, users buying checklist nowadays revolves around:

  • Go to the eCommerce site.
  • Look for the products.
  • Check its reviews.
  • Check other sites for discounts and deals.
  • Add to cart
  • Buy now

However, with the advent of online price negotiations, this concept further integrates another step into this usual shopping “to-do’s” checklist. Interestingly, more than 65% of online shoppers and around 55% of in-store shoppers get a discount by simply haggling for it.

But price bargaining is an art. Not everyone is a pro at it. However, if you keep reading this ultimate guide to buying on the eCommerce negotiation marketplace, you can get the best deal for yourself.

Let’s get going with the ultimate guide!

Prepare well/ do your homework

If you understand the numbers, bargaining for a deal becomes relatively easy. Before you start shopping, get a fair idea of the product’s price and competitors. This will help you initiate your price negotiations quite confidently.

Never presume that you can do it only for larger appliances alone. In fact, eCommerce price negotiation platforms like provide many such options in a variety of categories like baby products, fashion, accessories, electronics, books, and so much more!

See beyond the cost

Buyers often forget many factors like shipping costs and installation costs can change the final amount of savings. For instance, if they aren’t shipping the product free or not providing free installation services, you will pay the same amount.

Therefore, you must check the bigger picture. And look for tags like free shipping, installation at no extra cost, any other deals before quoting your final price. If you think a lower price is already off the table, aim for additional concessions to sweeten the deal.

Timing is important

When it comes to offline sales, you tend to negotiate with a person face-to-face. However, that’s not the case with online price negotiations at all. But your timing is essential here as well. You need to focus on “what you want.”

Don’t feel weird

Even if you are new to price bargaining, it doesn’t mean that you should feel overwhelmed. C’mon don’t ever think that you are being a cheapskate. No one will hate you until you are quoting a fair price for a product.

However, at the same time, never sell yourself short just because you are feeling weird. Don’t feel flustered if there is a bit of silence when negotiating prices online. You must make an offer, then shut up. It’s usually the next person who loses after you make a deal.

Be friendly

Being aggressive won’t give you any better deal. In an online negotiation marketplace, you need to be as friendly as possible to get better deals. No one is superior in this option. You need to communicate so that it feels like you are asking a friend for a favor. Try to be reasonable when bidding a price.

Communicate with precision

You will need effective communication skills if you want to negotiate successfully. While it is pretty easy to do it face-to-face, it can be pretty hard to tune into the other person’s facial expressions.

This is because you don’t know about body language, tone, which makes it easier to pick up the cues. This is why you must make it clear what you want. And that too “Loud and Clear.” Vague communication skills or expectations won’t help you at all.

For instance, you might say something like, “your price is too high. I’m aiming to spend no more than this amount on this because the following reasons are better than saying how much I can save. This will make you a better online haggler.

Be firm and persistent

While you must be friendly when bargaining online, it doesn’t mean rolling over. You need not be shy about pointing out things like being a steady customer and that your loyalty is worth something. You need to be persistent in your ways. How will you make anyone fall for your deal if you invariably laugh about your proposal?

Never be afraid to walk away

This is a giant bargaining chip. If you convince the seller that you have no other option, they will be firm and persistent with their price. However, if you have quoted a fair price and no one else is quoting a better deal, the seller will consider your deal.

But remember, you can’t quote $10 for a $200 product. You must be reasonable enough when bidding the price.

In short, haggle your way to better deals.

Don’t forget that buying or getting a fair deal online can be challenging. However, if you opt for online price negotiation stores, it will help you sweeten the deal. In other words, you name the price you want and find the item at a price that you are ready to pay.

Are you wondering why you should haggle online?

Let’s not forget that the internet has power. You have tons of information available to make the right decision. And that includes helping with honing your negotiation skills as well. Plus, with online price negotiations, you get the benefits of:

  • No sales pressure
  • No time pressure
  • No face-to-face interaction
  • Opportunity to grab a better deal

These factors offer an advantage compared to walking into an online store with fixed prices. Believe it or not, you’ll consistently profit from this kind of deal.

Final Thoughts

Online price negotiation is quite an effective method for buying almost anything nowadays. However, the only difference is the art of negotiation. With this ultimate guide, you will get decent tricks and tips for buying on the eCommerce negotiation marketplace.

Remember, the only thing you must never forget is always to bid a reasonable price or the seller will turn it down for obvious reasons.

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