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Most of us dream of a flat stomach. Sometimes, even after losing a lot of weight, there is excess skin which begins to hang. It also happens after childbirth. This sagging skin around the midsection can make one conscious. Tummy Tuck Toronto is a cosmetic procedure carried out for reshaping the midsection. The procedure contours the stomach to create the abs. When it comes to a cosmetic procedure, the approach is customized as per the patient because each case is unique. Following are the three standard tummy tuck techniques that are followed.

Standard Abdominoplasty

A full tummy tuck or a standard abdominoplasty is the ideal technique when there is a significant amount of excess skin above and below the belly button. During the surgery, the separated abdominal muscles are repaired. As all the excess skin above the navel is removed, navel reconstruction is also carried out in this approach. To do that a long horizontal incision is made on the lower abdomen. In most cases, this incision runs from hip to hip. The standard approach doesn’t remove the stretch marks that are present above the midline. As the skin is pulled to smoothen it out, it can reduce the appearance of the marks. After repairing the abdomen muscles, one can undergo liposuction to reshape and sculpt the waist. It is natural to worry about the visibility of the scar. It can be easily hidden under swimsuits and underwear. There will be a small incision inside the belly button. It is recommended to take 2 weeks off from work after a standard tummy tuck.

Mini Abdominoplasty

 Mini tummy tuck or mini abdominoplasty is the technique used when there is minimal sagging present right under the navel. For this approach, there should be no concern present above the line. The mini tummy tuck smoothens, flattens and improves the appearance of the abdomen. During this approach, a short scar is made on the lower belly. As subtle adjustments are made, only a small ellipse of skin is excised. Minor muscle repair and fat removal are also carried out. No change in the navel is made during a mini tummy tuck. The recovery is usually quicker, and you are suggested to take a week off.

Hybrid Approach

This third approach was designed to bridge the gap between the mini and full tummy tuck. A hybrid approach is also known as floating abdominoplasty. This method is followed when there is sagging skin above the navel but fewer issues below it. Often the patients suffer from muscle separation without excess skin. Such patients usually have a lean figure but with protrusion. This protrusion is due to diastasis recti. In such a case, no substantial skin removal. For repairing midline muscles, the surgeon is required to make an abdomen incision. The belly button will also be detached from its base and it is floated downwards just 2 to 3 centimetres. This is done to pull the region 

above the taut. If there is any excess skin in the bottom, that is trimmed out. 

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