The Ultimate Cultural Sensitivity Guide for Businesses


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If you’re an international company, cultural sensitivity is critical for a healthy business. Unfortunately, it isn’t always prioritized in companies.

Considering how important relationships are in business, this is a massive mistake. Offending your global partners can cause unforeseen problems and misunderstandings. It can also prevent future business opportunities.

To avoid these mistakes, keep reading to find out more about sensitivity in the workplace.

What Is Cultural Sensitivity? 

Cultural sensitivity is a tactic for addressing different cultures and beliefs. It reflects the level of openness and tolerance people have to different cultures.

If you’re working with international employees, it’s crucial. It makes everyone feel included and valued within your business settings. 

If you aren’t sensitive to others’ cultures, you risk creating a toxic work environment. As a leader, you should help your employees see the importance of cultural awareness. Create an appreciation for the other views, ideas, and values that others in your company have. 

If you ignore the different cultures around you, you’ll reflect it in your work.

Say your client is a copywriting company from a different country. You have to know at least a little bit about their culture. Otherwise, you risk providing a product that won’t resonate with the audience. 

Do Your Homework

Promote cultural sensitivity in the workplace by encouraging employees to listen. Ask your employees to prepare themselves before meeting an international client. Help educate them on the background of those they’ll be working with. 

Planning ahead can prepare them for culture shock or from becoming blindsided. They should be sensitive to possible differences in attire, humor, and mannerisms. 

Facilitating a culture where employees feel comfortable talking about their differences is important. Acknowledge cultural holidays within your workplace. This helps everyone feel included and part of the team. 

Incorporate Training 

Training about tolerance is a great way to improve sensitivity within your workplace. Plus, it can improve your productivity. As communication and understanding increase, so do collaboration and creativity. 

Before hosting a training, talk to HR to access your company’s cultural needs. 

You can introduce a cultural ambassador within your company. This person can be someone that other employees turn to for sensitive questions. You can also hire an external specialist.  

Cultural sensitivity training promotes awareness about different viewpoints. They also help show employees how to communicate through these differences. Training can occur through workshops, webinars, ted talks, and discussions of diversity.

Remember to include a variety of voices in your training so everyone feels included. 

Now You Know How to Increase Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace 

Creating an open-minded and sensitive work culture begins with leadership. 

As a leader, discuss cultural sensitivity with your employees. Laughing or snickering at other cultures isn’t acceptable. 

This will go a long way in improving your relationships and partnerships worldwide. 

And if you found this article helpful, we cover a ton of other topics related to business that you’re sure to love. Be sure to check some of them out!

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