The Rise of the Green Ride


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It isn’t such a big surprise that the electric scooter industry has become a whopping $AUD 59 billion enterprise in Australia, with over $200 billion invested in this growing micro-mobile transport industry, worldwide.

No ifs, no buts.  E-scooters are the future of personal transportation. The reason is simple: convenience, portability, affordability, an efficient way to travel to work, go on errands or meander for leisure, and travel anywhere else in between.

Another benefit that e-scooters can lay claim to is their sustainability.

What does sustainability mean? “Sustainability by definition, is the effort to fulfill the needs of the present generation without jeopardizing future generations…and as such, ensure a balance between economic growth, environmental care, and social wellbeing.” So, do electric scooters help the environment? Are electric scooters really “green”? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

How do electric scooters help in contributing to cleaning the environment?  Studies have shown that about 28 percent of carbon emissions are induced by road transportation. The harsh truth is that the transportation sector contributes to the highest carbon emissions of any sector. So, what is the workable, doable solution to ease the mounting problem?  The answer is right under our noses:  Take on PMDs such as electric scooters. Since electric scooters don’t need fuel to run, it DOES NOT emit any harmful toxins to the environment.

The move will significantly help reduce the existing carbon emissions in the environment, in the near and long run. One study in Paris estimated that if e-scooters as a mode of transport were adopted in the streets, the city would be saving over 10,000 carbon emissions by 2030.

The UN-Habitat started to implement the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) and this is all due to the positive impact of electric scooters on the environment, in particular, alongside electric vehicles in general. Help clean the air via the UEMI project, which aims to increase the use of electric vehicles to 30 percent by 2030 and reduce harmful carbon emissions to 30 percent by 2050.

What is the significance? By using more electric vehicles, in particular, the electric scooters, the insignificant, almost zero emissions will directly contribute to reducing carbon emission that is produced by transport vehicles run by fuel. E-scooters will directly help lessen greenhouse gases and contribute to the slowing down of global warming.

Is there an upside? Electric scooters are more affordable and readily accessible to the public, so it’s easier for those in authority to promote electric scooters as a practical, ”green” option and endorse their use in cities more than electric cars and buses.

As electric scooters are made of aluminum alloy, the metal which is known as a “green” material, they are recyclable and sustainable. Recycling aluminum saves nine tons of carbon emissions! Did you know that aluminum can be repeatedly melted down and recycled without losing its quality? Incredible! You better believe it!

It makes sense to support those electric scooters that predominantly use aluminum. The frame material of MEARTH’s electric motor is mostly made of metals, magnets, and copper wires, so they are recyclable materials too. By and large, electric scooters are eco-friendly and sustainable rideables, particularly in their material, development, carbon emission, and recyclability.

So what will make e-scooters more eco-friendly for the public? Studies suggest manufacturing companies that use renewable materials and processes can produce longer electric scooter lifecycles as they are harnessing sustainable and modern power solutions for charging electric scooters. If more electric scooter services and manufacturers implement this process, it would drastically decrease the overall carbon emissions from electric vehicles and those that are emitted by fuel-run transports.

Faithful to the vision and mission. With continuous research, innovation, and demonstrated technological enhancements, MEARTH, a socially responsive company — ethical, responsible, and ecologically sound, is taking the lead. The company’s equally conscientious visionary CEO, Ming Ye, has dedicated himself, along with his team of experts and specialists to building, staunchly unswerving in his mission that is aligned to his vision, which is to provide a better mode of transport to the people — convenient, practical, economical, time-saving and environment-friendly.

Summing it up. Amid controversies and legal issues, electric scooters are considered “green. It’s not even debatable that personal electric scooters offer a ‘greener’ way to travel. These micro-mobile devices offer better sustainability than the fuel-run vehicles that pollute the environment.

Very soon too, Australia will witness the “rise of the green ride” – when MEARTH, the engineer of high-quality, top-tier, top-performing, environment-friendly electric scooters takes the lead and have a big part in setting the motion for sustainable urban living in the future. 

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