The Remote Lifestyle: How to Become a Successful Digital Nomad


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We are still in 2020. It is a year that has brought about many changes, especially concerning the work concept. Only this year, the number of remote workers all around the globe has skyrocketed. This only proved that remote lifestyle is no longer a distant dream. For this reason, younger generations are giving digital nomadism some thought. Millennials and Gen Z don’t want to be slaves of 9 to 5 workdays. Instead, they want to see the world, travel, enjoy, and at the same time pursue a career. Thanks to digital nomadism and technology, they can finally take this step and make the most out of their life. If you are one of them, here are some of the most important guidelines to help you become a successful digital nomad.

Think About Your Skills

There is one crucial thing you have to do even before you start planning your nomadic adventure. First and foremost, you have to think about your skills and professional experience. Why is this so important? Becoming a digital nomad means you either work remotely, study, volunteer, or serve some kind of an internship abroad. Either way, you have to have a steady and regular income to sponsor your travels and stays in different countries. Most people like to make a list of their marketable and practical skills. This way, they have a clear sense within which field their strengths lie. Whether you decide to seek remote work or study at some foreign university, it doesn’t matter. The list will help you make the right choice when it comes to applying for online jobs or study programs. When you become aware of your abilities, you can proceed to the next step.

Invest in the Right Equipment

You may not realize it yet, but technology is the best friend to every digital nomad. You won’t only use it for work but also for staying in touch with your family and friends. For this reason, even before your adventure starts, you have to invest in the right equipment. Not only do you need laptops and tablets, but also tools and devices for connecting with coworkers and family members. If you land a remote job, you will probably have to use some kind of intranet software or other communicative technology. This way, no matter where your travels take you, you can always stay on top of things at work. When you start working, you will have to keep your coworkers and employers posted about your whereabouts and time zones. It will make not only your job easier but also theirs.  

Thailand, Asia, Koh Lanta, Digital Nomad, No Office

Source: Pixabay 

Set Money Aside

As you slowly start to prepare for your exciting lifestyle, you have to think about your finances. For starters, get them in order. This means you should settle any debts you may have. If you can’t do it all at once, then come up with a repayment system. Make sure you pay it all off before you embark on an adventure. This way you can solely focus on having fun, exploring, and enjoying your new lifestyle. Once you have repaid all your debts, you cancel any subscriptions you may have. Anything from gym or library memberships to Netflix because you won’t be needing these services anymore. Now that you have canceled everything and paid what you owe, you can start setting money aside. You will need your savings, especially during the first few months, until you start earning and adapt.

Join Digital Nomads

Before you start planning your life as a digital nomad, joining the community sounds like a good idea. There are many groups, chatrooms, and communities connecting digital nomads from around the world. Feel free to check them out or even join. People who are already living the dream can tell you what you want and need to know about digital nomadism. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or leave comments. If possible, attend their seminars or get-togethers nearby. You can hear all about their experiences and the best travel destinations for digital nomads. Their insights are incredibly valuable to you. Based on them, you can finally work out a plan.

Group of Friends Hanging Out

Source: Pexels 

Draw Up a Detailed Plan 

Since you have collected enough information and saved money, the time has come for you to draw up a plan. Include as many details as possible. Start with your destination. Where would you like to go first? Then think about the visa, cost of living, accommodation, language, and cultural barriers, Internet speed, etc. Based on your research, skills, and insight from other, more experienced digital nomads, you can figure out which remote job or a scholarship can meet your expenses. There are two things you should bear in mind. Firstly, you should have a plan B if your initial plan, for whatever reason, falls through. Secondly, you can reach your initial destination, face unexpected problems, or simply don’t like it as much as you thought you would. It is not the end of the world. It happens to most digital nomads. In this case, you can always change your location for a much better one.

Go for a Job

Now you are only one step away from packing your things and finally traveling to your destination. All that is standing in your way are finances. Use your researching skills and surf the Internet for a remote job or studying abroad opportunities. Most online jobs these days are in digital marketing, programming, or graphic designing. If your skills match any of these fields, give it a try. They are currently on high demand as well as tutors, translators, and customer representatives. Unfortunately, most remote works rarely offer any employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or paid vacation. Maybe you manage to find a job including great benefits, who knows. Either way, be prepared and reveal your plans on becoming a digital nomad to your employer. They will value your honesty and have clear expectations from you right from the start.

Woman Wearings Coop Neck Floral Top Using Her Apple Brand Macbook

Source: Pexels

Find a Place to Stay

Before you start packing, there is one step you have to complete. A small step but the one that will make your life easier. It is finding a place to stay.  You don’t have to reach your destination and then look for accommodation. Nowadays, you can search online and find something that you like. Take your budget and preferences into account. Would you like to have roommates, or live alone? Which part of the city do you prefer, the very city center or periphery? Because of all its perks, is staying at a hotel an option? When you answer most of these questions, you will know exactly what type of accommodation and its features to look for. Be aware of any scams and only negotiate with reliable sources. 

Pack Lightly

The moment you have waited for has finally come. You can pack and start your exciting adventure. Other digital nomads have probably advised you to pack lightly and buy a good backpack. This is great advice. You will be traveling all around the world so you don’t need to much staff to carry around. Start being practical and pack only essentials. This way you will be more comfortable. Don’t forget to pack your passport and airplane ticket. You worked so hard to become a digital nomad, don’t let forgetting tickets ruin your journey.

About Author:

Sarah Jessica Smith is a young blogger from Sydney. She is in love with life and all the things that can make her daily routine easier. She loves to write about business, marketing, productivity and workspace décor.

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