The Poker Bluff Guide


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Bluffing is an integral part of poker. Sometimes, you’re left with no option but to keep a stern face and make a bold call even though you don’t have the cards to back it. 

Bluffing requires timing, calculation, and emotional control. And understanding how to use the power of bluffing coupled with an efficient strategy will make you a tougher player to beat.

If you wish to use bluffing to brush up your game, you will find these guidelines useful. 

 Types Of Bluffs

There are different types of bluffs in poker each carrying different importance and each to be deployed at different points in the game. 

  • Continuation Bet Bluff: This is a type of bluff that attempts to get the opponent from connecting with the board. 
  • Semi Bluff. This is a type of bluff where you don’t have a strong hand to back it up but you can get a decent chance to make a strong hand should your opponent fall for the bluff. 
  • Stone-cold Bluff. In this type of bluff, you don’t have the chance of improving and you are solely relying on fold equity to show a profit.  
  • Opportunistic Bluff. This is a bluff where other players are uninterested in the pot but you keep at the bluff with the hope that other players won’t likely have a strong hand.  

The Purpose Of Bluffing in Poker?

The whole point of bluffing is to give yourself the chance to make a profitable bet and get a better winning chance.

If you solely depend on betting when you have strong hands, your game will be easy to read and this weakness will be brutally exploited by better players.

You should know that a good hand can only take you so far in a poker game. Oftentimes, playing poker without bluffing is insufficient. Taking a circumspect approach – as a beginner – might make more sense. However, this is not how poker is meant to be played.

Most good players often consider making profits at every opportunity that is placed in front of them. To achieve this, it is important to embrace the concept of bluffing.

Furthermore, as poker players try to learn the way to play poker online, they must understand how important bluffing is to their gameplay.

Bluffing is meant to complement your strategy to create a stronger playing style that will help you to maximize every hand.

Import Things to Consider When Deciding to Bluff

Bluffing is a key element that must be incorporated in your gameplay. There are certain important considerations that you should make when bluffing. Some of these are explained as follows:

  • Your Opponent: the quality of your opponent is an important factor to consider when bluffing. Different players adopt different playing styles that create varying bluffing opportunities. 
  • Bet Size: the profitability of the pot size is important when bluffing. A smaller pot size doesn’t require as many folds as a bigger bet size which will give a large profit. 
  • The Number Of Bet To Get Your Opponent To Fold: A single bet might not get your opponent to fold. Hence you have to consider how many bets to make and if the risk is worth It.  

How To Bluff

Knowing how to bluff will save you the danger of taking needless risks. These tips will help you strengthen your bluffing. 

  • Know When To Bluff: You shouldn’t bluff just for the sake of bluffing. You should examine the game to know if the risk is worth it. 

As a beginner, you should bluff on smaller bets and you should know the type of players to bluff on. There’s no shame in being caught in a bluff, hence you should know when the bluff isn’t working and pull back.

  • Convince Your Opponent: Convincing the opponent is an important aspect of bluffing. You can be more convincing by staying calm, bluffing one player at a time as against bluffing multiple players. 

Rapidly increasing the bet size will make you look desperate and your bluff might be spotted. It’s better to slowly increase the bet size as this will likely scare other players away.

  • Try Different Bluffing Methods: sticking to one bluffing method will make it easier for your opponents to see through the bluff. You should instead alternate between different bluffs to achieve a more convincing bluff. 

Final Thoughts

Bluffing is a way to give yourself a chance especially when you’re backed against the wall. When deployed in the right manner, bluffing can scare even decent players and give you a higher chance to turn a profit. 

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