The Necessary Steps the Government Should Take to Reduce Pedestrian Accidents


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As vehicles are increasing on the road, so are pedestrian accidents. Some are due to a driver’s reckless driving or impaired judgment, while others are the pedestrian’s fault. In 2021, there were almost 7,500 pedestrian deaths in the US, and the figures will rise by the end of 2022. These numbers might be disturbing, but the fact is until strict punishments and laws are not introduced, pedestrian accidents will continue to rise. If you or someone you know has been in such an accident, consider reaching out to a pedestrian accident lawyer; they will help you to get the compensation you deserve. Pedestrian accidents can be reduced if the government decides to introduce some changes to the current laws. Following are a couple of steps that the government should take.

Changes in Law

Although the law is still pretty strict, some changes are necessary to reduce pedestrian accidents. If the punishments are made even stricter, there can be a positive change around these grim statistics. For example, instead of a fine for first-time offenders, suspension of license and a mild jail term will be enough to deter others from making the same mistake. Similarly, repeat offenders can have their licenses revoked with heavy fines and a mandatory jail term. Such changes in the law will take time to implement but once done, there will be a significant reduction in pedestrian accidents. 

Speed Limits

Another good way to reduce pedestrian accidents is to revise the speed limits. This means reducing speed limits on certain sections of highways and inner-city roads. Normally, the speed limit on open sections of highways is around 65-70 MPH in the US, whereas, on city roads, it’s between 25-30 MPH. If the government brings these speed limits down, especially in urban areas, there is a chance that pedestrian accidents can be avoided altogether. Additionally, if accidents occur after the reduction, the injuries will not be life-threatening in most cases.


Although driving licenses are issued after completing a training period, there are still some areas of concern. Normally, you are issued a license after completing a test in a controlled environment; this method needs to change. After completing the standard test, the driver should be tested on real roads. When the driver has to interpret and make quick decisions in real-time, their true competency will be fully displayed. If they pass such a test, a license should be issued. 

Underage Drivers

Unfortunately, many drivers on the road are underage, and a fair number of accidents are their responsibility if a study is conducted. Therefore, apart from punishing the driver, the government should also strictly punish the person who lent them the vehicle.

Pedestrian accidents can be avoided if the driver and the pedestrian are vigilant on the road. Governments can only implement the laws; the public must accept and follow them for their safety. When people get on the road, it’s their responsibility to keep everyone safe, whether a driver or a pedestrian.

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