The Many Benefits Of Using Managed Printing Services For Business


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All businesses need some kind of streamlining when it comes to their printer management because they all want to reduce their costs that are commonly associated with their printing needs. Most organizations do not have a print strategy because it is a very time intensive thing to set up and it isn’t really seen as something that has to be prioritized. It is easy to understand why they would not be investing time and money into something such as this because they are very busy generating new sales and trying to increase their overall customer base. However this doesn’t take away from the fact that it is incredibly important because if you don’t have a strategy in place then it’s going to cost your business a significant amount of money over the coming years. If you’re not aware of it, it is important that you know and understand that you are spending around two to ten percent of your overall business budget on your organization’s printing needs.

Now that you are aware of how much money that it is costing you, maybe you will now consider managed printing services that can take care of your day-to-day printing needs as well as providing customization. If you’ve never really thought about taking advantage of external managed print services and everything that they can offer your business then maybe the following benefits of doing so can help you to make a smart financial decision.

1. A more manageable print environment – Managed print services is otherwise known as MPS and it is a service that is offered to streamline your printing needs and to minimize your costs. Using MPS lets your business take advantage of advanced solutions that just don’t focus on your printers and their usage by on the overall print environment itself. They can provide you with printing security and they will put in place cost accounting methods that will save your business money, and reduce your overall carbon footprint.

2. A more efficient IT department – Your IT support team has enough to do dealing with persistent down time and other issues that are affecting your overall IT structure. It doesn’t make sense to make them do the job of troubleshooting your printing issues and fixing them as well. There is a lot more that they can be doing and so by contracting out your managed printing services, you’re allowing your IT team to concentrate on more important things.

3. Repairs & maintenance – Again, this is something that your staff shouldn’t have to be dealing with because not only does it affect their motivational levels but it also distracts them from the job that you are paying them to do. That’s the beauty about managed printing services because they are able to track your overall printer use and so they know when you’re running low on supplies like told and that you need essential service. All of these things are covered within your MPS program and it isn’t going to cost you any additional money.

4. Ongoing assistance – When you invest in managed printing services, you gain access to very experienced staff who understand completely all the technology that is used in printing processes and they are available to you during office hours. If you have any printing issues, they will help you to address them quickly and there is always IT assistance and services available that are only a phone call away. This will allow you to save on your overall printing costs and many businesses have reported savings of up to 30% after using managed print services and it could be more for your business.

As you can see there are many benefits to investing in managed printing services and it doesn’t make sound financial sense not to let a service provider take all of the responsibility off your shoulders and onto theirs. It is going to provide you and your staff with essential peace of mind and it is going to save you a significant amount of money over the course of any financial year. No owner or manager can afford to turn away from a service such as this and if he or she does, then they are a fool. 

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